Sunday, September 22, 2024

Campaigners urge boycott of Epcor water meters from company involved in genocide and apartheid


Canada Edmonton water meters Epcor Israel genocide illegal settlements apartheid Palestine solidarity activism boycott

Anti-genocide campaigners are calling for Edmontonians to act now to avoid having water meters installed in their homes made by an Israeli company that profits from the ongoing genocide and apartheid taking place in Palestine.

Epcor, the utility provider whose sole shareholder is the city of Edmonton, is installing new water meters in Edmonton homes in 2024. There are two kinds of water meters being installed in people's homes, one made with parts and manufactured by an Israeli company called Arad Group and another meter that doesn't. You can spot the one made by Arad Group if it's already installed in your home because it will say "Made In Israel" next to the readout display (there's also a picture below).

In 2013 Arad had a roughly $12 million contract to supply water meters to Ma’on, a violent illegal settlement in the West Bank that has continued to expand over the years through violent terrorism and apartheid tactics. Arad also installed a water metering system in the illegal settlement of Ariel. The practice of developing parallel water infrastructure in occupied West Bank settlements that only Israeli settlers can access is called water apartheid. 

Arad was established in 1941 by Kibbutz Dalia and Kibbutz Ramot. A kibbutz is a type of collective agrarian community unique to Israel. The Arad Group is also still headquartered in Kibbutz Dalia. 

Both kibbutzim were involved in the murder and expulsion of Palestinians from their land in 1948 during the Nakba, the mass killing and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israelis during the creation of the Israeli state.  (more...)

Campaigners urge boycott of Epcor water meters from company involved in genocide and apartheid

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