Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Israeli Military Institute, Technion, is at the Heart of the Military-Industrial Academic Complex


Cornell Technion Israel military technology academia Gaza genocide complicity war crimes ethnic cleansing oppression white supremacy racism Zionism student activism

Like other campuses during the spring, Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, was roiled by student protests over the Israel-Gaza War.

One of the demands of the protesters was that Cornell divest from Technion, an Israeli science and technology research and development center that lies at the heart of the Israeli military-industrial-academic complex and also the American one.

Committed to supporting “student-soldiers,” Technion students and alumni have been involved in the development of cutting-edge military technologies used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), including unmanned bulldozers and stealth and search-and-hunt unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as well as the Iron Dome system that was designed to repel Hamas rocket attacks.

Ahmed Abbes and Ivar Ekeland wrote in The New Arab that, “by dint of its participation in the prison-like containment and control of occupied territories and the repeated punitive operations within them, [Technion] could be guilty of complicity in war crimes before a court of justice.”

By virtue of its partnership with Technion, Cornell could also be considered guilty of complicity in war crimes.  (more...)

Israeli Military Institute, Technion, is at the Heart of the Military-Industrial Academic Complex


Military Industrial Complex

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