Friday, July 26, 2024

DC Police Deploy Pepper Spray Against Netanyahu Protests As Congress Kisses the Ring


US Congress Washington D.C. Netanyahu Paris Olympics protests war crimes Gaza genocide complicity ICJ ICC rulings apartheid genocide ethnic cleansing oppression colonialism racism white supremacy atrocities Israel lobby Zionism hypocrisy cynicism

Israel is participating at the Olympics in Paris while Russia is banned, despite killing at least 80% fewer civilians in Ukraine than the Israeli state has killed in Gaza. 

Even the United States has prosecuted its own for War Crimes. Impunity for Israel. Enforcement of international law for everyone else. 

No clearer was this hypocrisy demonstrated than on Wednesday, July 24th, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a man with a pending ICC arrest warrant for crimes against humanity, addressed Congress in order to shore up support for his political survival and request more weapons for his “war” against Hamas. 

Join us tonight on State of Play as we dissect this Historic speech and discuss the protests that took place outside.

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