Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Enter London’s Counter Terror Expo – a Hotbed of Pro-Israel Paranoia


UK London counter terror expo technology surveillance paranoia Zionism security internet social media police Palestine

The security industry is cashing in on Palestine protests.

Britain’s largest gathering of counter-terrorism experts assembled in London last month to discuss what one police chief called “legal but harmful protest” following Israel’s war on Gaza.

Inside a cavernous Docklands conference hall, companies at the Counter Terror Expo displayed gas mask-clad dummies and crowd control systems as enthusiastic AI reps promised revolutionary advances in surveillance.

Tools for hacking phones with “brute force”, monitoring someone’s emotional state based on their social media and rapidly digesting the contents of an “acquired” computer were all up for sale. 

Among the potential customers were foreign police departments, including officers fresh from Georgia’s violent crackdown on anti-Russia protests.

Several salespeople declined to explain their products to the media. “I can’t believe they let you people in here,” one rep told Declassified after seeing our press card. “I think it’s disgusting.”

Her company markets AI tools for military and law enforcement to process recordings of people’s voices.  (more...)

Enter London’s Counter Terror Expo – a Hotbed of Pro-Israel Paranoia

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