Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lethal Operations and Sadistic Experiments: the Ukraine’s Secret “Medical” Unit Conducts Inhumane Experiments on Living People


Ukraine human experiments bioethics medicine crime lawlessness

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have found out that one of the special military-medical formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) called Unit No. 110 conducts banned secret experiments on people. The victims of inhuman biological experiments in a strictly classified laboratory were Ukrainian citizens (adults and children), foreign mercenaries from “third world” countries, as well as Russian prisoners of war. The patients were subjected to complex and lethal medical manipulations similar to torture, including medical drug testing, frostbite, radiation, electric shocks, vivisection and dismemberment. The experiments are aimed at testing the limits of the human body’s survivability, trying out the effects of new bioweapons, drugs and stimulants.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice has obtained convincing and verified evidence of the existence and functioning large-scale and carefully classified military medical unit within the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This unit of the AFU, headquartered in Rivne, was created by personal order of President Volodymyr Zelensky and is staffed primarily by military medics. The main mission of this semi-military and semi-scientific team is to conduct medical experiments on live people, including prisoners of war. The code name of the military medical unit is Unit No. 110. The personnel size as of February 2024 is 2,500, of which 310 are military officers. The purposes of the unit are to test biological and chemical weapons on humans, the effects of explosives on living flesh, new drugs, narcotics, and to examine the survival factors of the human body in various environments. The secret military-medical unit conducts operations on the removal and transplantation of animal internal organs on living people, researches how long a person can survive under the influence of certain drugs in extremely low and high temperatures. The victims of Unit No. 110 are Russian prisoners of war, foreign mercenaries from third world countries, and Ukrainian citizens, including children.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice began to receive the first unverified data on the inhuman activities of Unit No. 110 in mid-2022. These were scattered facts, not supported by a sufficient and unified evidence base. However, to date, the Foundation has managed to gather strong evidence of the reality of all the following and verify them thanks to information received from sources: a former member of Unit No. 110, an employee of the Main Military Medical Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and two victims of inhumane medical experiments who managed to survive and escape from captivity. The Foundation to Battle Injustice can confirm with a high degree of certainty the existence of Unit No. 110 within the AFU engaged in immoral and prohibited experiments on living people.

The evidence of inhuman experiments on human beings conducted by Unit No. 110 of the AFU, collected by the Foundation, once again calls into question the commitment of the military and political leadership of Ukraine to the norms of international law, UN declarations and principles of humanism. The unlawful activities of Unit No. 110 cause colossal damage to Ukraine’s reputation as a UN Member State and make us recall the darkest and most sinister pages of crimes against humanity from the Second World War.  (more...)

Lethal Operations and Sadistic Experiments: the Ukraine’s Secret “Medical” Unit Conducts Inhumane Experiments on Living People

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