Wednesday, December 9, 2015

EXPOSÉ: Baltimore in LEAD in parish gay activism

According to the infamous list of “gay friendly parishes” published by New Ways Ministry (NWM) – the Consumer Reports of “homo-catholicism” – the Archdiocese of Baltimore is comfortably positioned in the LEAD when it comes to parish-based gay activism in the Mid-Atlantic region, with LEAD being an acronym for “LGBT Educating and Affirming Diversity.”

I’ll explain more about LEAD in a moment.

For now, let’s take a look at how the Archdiocese of Baltimore, my home diocese, stacks up against area competition.

To the south, the Archdiocese of Washington, led for nearly a decade by Donald Cardinal Wuerl (who is no slouch when it comes to coddling gay militants), is able to boast of just three parishes on the NWM “gay friendly” list.

That’s just 2.14% of its parishes overall, but respectable nonetheless given that the national average is roughly 1.3%.

To the north, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia weighs in with just four parishes on the NWM list; that’s a measly 1.82% of its total.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore, by contrast, is practically a gay pilgrimage destination; ringing the bell at no less than seven NWM “gay friendly” parishes. That’s a whopping 4.86% of its total; more than 3.5 times the national average!  (more...)

On October 23, 2014, Catholic Review - the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Baltimore - published a thoroughly scandalous article undermining Church teaching on homosexuality, that even included a sacrilegious image you won't believe. The article can be read in full here:


  1. I would like to say something, but what can one say? Thank you for the article. It hurts to read these bad news every day, even when one expects it to get much worse. My family fell for the rainbow. The more people do it, the more hopeless my battle.

  2. Dorota, so long a writers like Louie continue to fight for us, the battle isn't hopeless. The Church has been renewed before, and it will be renewed again.
