Wednesday, December 2, 2015

When Neo-Fascists Tore Up Toronto

A group of anarchists using a protest tactic called "black bloc" is being widely blamed for the violence and destruction of the anti-G20 march that culminated with the burning of two police cruisers.

The strategy revolves around destroying symbols of capitalist wealth such as banks, while covered in black clothes that mask the wearer's identity, according to websites that support the method.

In Toronto, the black-clad group splintered off from the main crowd of peaceful protesters mid-route, attacking storefronts on Queen St. along with a handful of police and media vehicles.  (more...)

Who are they?

Note the neo-nazi/fascist tactic of infiltrating other organizations. Who else has been colonized by these cameleons? Why did police fail to protect ordinary citizens and businesses? What did a billion dollars buy?

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