Friday, August 7, 2015

Explicit sex-ed at Toronto sports camp has parents mad, kids upset and city saying sorry

TORONTO, ON August 7, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – After parents complained their 12-year-old girls were traumatized by an explicit sex-ed seminar at a girls’ sports camp, the City of Toronto says it has dropped the seminars from further camps pending a review.

Toronto media relations manager Wynna Brown also apologized that parents weren’t told beforehand about the Toronto Public Health Sexual Health Promotion unit’s “healthy relationships” presentation.

But Brown did not explain why – or who in, for that matter – the city’s Parks, Forest and Recreation (PFR) department invited a Sexual Health Promoter to the Canadian Tire Jumpstart-sponsored sports camp in the first place.

And parents’ rights advocate Christina Liu says the Sexual Health Promotion team refuses to come clean about just what facilitator Irene Kassies told the handful of girls aged 11 and 12 on July 15 at the L’Amoreaux Community Centre camp.

“If you hold a workshop and cause the students to have a lot of stress and be traumatized, why can’t you disclose what that information was to the parents?” Liu pointed out. “Where is the right of the parents to know what their kids are learning?”  (more...)


  1. Only "sorry" because they were caught. The City of Toronto is a militant promoter of sodomy, abortion, contraception and every evil under the sun that we can think of. These people are but pure, unadulterated fascists. Ah, but they will demure: " we are socialists". Yes indeed, but so were Mussolini and Hitler. Socialism - as is capitalism (yes, neo-cons, start to read the Popes e.g. Leo XIII, Pius X, Pius XI, Pius XII, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, to know that one cannot be a capitalist and a Catholic) is fascism.

    1. Thank you for your insights, Barona. Spot on.
