Saturday, April 11, 2015

We have failed to give our children a Christian narrative

In Ontario, many parents are battling Premier Kathleen Wynne's Liberal government over the explicit sex education curriculum. The government claims that the Physical and Health Education which includes as part of it the sex education component needed to be modernized and is necessary to create safe schools.

What does this modernizing entail? We need to combat sexting and cyberbullying. How does the government propose to do it? Bureaucrats produce a sex education curriculum that teaches among other things the concept of sexual consent to children. What else did the government do? They permitted a convicted child predator to have a hand in developing the curriculum. Children must be free to choose their gender and sexual orientation. The curriculum is another step to sexualize children more and at an earlier age. Parents have not been openly consulted and so parental rights and religious freedom have not been respected. The government and supporters of the graphic sex education curriculum will tell you that it's much needed education for the 21st century, but we believe it's all about indoctrinating children to secular values regardless of the fact that most parents don't want it.  (more...)

Cui bono?

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