Sunday, December 21, 2014

Labour MP hands in dossier naming six serving politicians and Lords as VIP Paedos

Labour MP John Mann has submitted an explosive
dossier to police naming 22 politicians linked to
historical child abuse
Police are investigating claims that at least five paedophile rings operating at the heart of Westminster were covered up.

Labour MP John Mann has submitted an explosive dossier to police naming 22 politicians – including three serving MPs and three serving members of the House of Lords – linked to historical child abuse.

Last night, he said the complexity of the criminality at the heart of the Establishment during the 1970s and 1980s had been underestimated.

The latest claims come after Mr Mann revealed in the Mail last week that he was aware of five investigations dropped by Scotland Yard into alleged VIP child abuse which took place over the last three decades.

Last night the Bassetlaw MP said: ‘There are at least five paedophile rings which involved MPs. Each of them involved at least one MP, some involved more, and these were groups of people who knew about the activities of one another.

‘In some cases I believe they committed abuse together.’ He told the Daily Telegraph: ‘Three of these figures were highly influential.’  (more...)

As media interest heats up:

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