Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tone of letter from retired school superintendent was ‘judgmental, demeaning, mean-spirited’

The tone of retired Catholic superintendent Gary Mahoney’s letter Why voting for school trustees matters (the Post, Sept. 19) is judgmental, demeaning and mean-spirited, especially for many Catholic trustees who have faithfully served our Catholic board.

Its intimidation and name-calling is contrary to values espoused in Catholic education.

Mr. Mahoney appears to be bitter and resentful about times when discussions, actions and votes went contrary to his personal views and wishes.

As in any democracy, and within the scope of sound Catholic teaching, shouldn’t trustees come to the table with diverse, wide-ranging opinions and views as they prayerfully discuss, discern, debate and vote upon outcomes?

If superintendents, staff or other trustees put forward reports or motions that may not reflect Catholic teaching, trustees are instructed to — according to Becoming a Catholic School Trustee by the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association — “ensure that the goals of Catholic education and the religious dimension upon which our schools are founded are maintained as first priorities, always in clear focus, never sacrificed or compromised.”

That’s why, to properly fulfill the job they were elected to do, trustees need to be at arms-length from the senior administration.

I sincerely hope that the current superintendents are more open-minded and trust that they are, “ensuring and safeguarding the integrity of the Catholic school system which is based on the religious ideals of our Catholic faith.”

Paul Muller, Burlington


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