Saturday, October 4, 2014

Every Day for Life Canada selects trustees for the Toronto Catholic District School Board

The Municipal election will take place on October 27, 2014. As a service to the community, Everyday for Life Canada has tried to follow the recent changes in education ushered in by the ministry of education. We have also reminded parents about the important issue of governance at the Toronto Catholic District School Board. Catholic trustees have the responsibility to promote, govern and defend Catholic education, and this is the reason why we should take the vote very seriously.

This blog has also made a concerted effort to cover how trustees dealt with and voted on key policies such the continued funding of the separate school system, the radical sex education program introduced and implemented by the Dalton McGuinty's Liberal government and currently supported by the new leader Kathleen Wynne. These anti-Christian policies of political correctness have changed what children are being taught about the meaning of human sexuality, the person, family and marriage. This duplicitous "inclusive" curricula has "legally" ushered in our schools the normalization and acceptance of homosexuality and abortion. Catholic schools and Catholic education will have a future in Ontario only if we are prepared to live and defend the faith. Hence, it's so important to elect trustees who will govern according to Catholic doctrine and teaching. The days for taking the faith for granted are long gone.  (more...)

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