Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Toronto school trustee called ‘homophobic’ for questioning nudity at ‘family friendly’ Pride parade

TORONTO, February 17, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Homosexual activists have slammed him as a ‘homophobic a**hole’ and an ‘outrageous bigot,’ but Toronto District School Board trustee Sam Sotiropoulos says that he’s just concerned about children viewing illegal public nudity at the city’s annual Pride parade.

Sotiropoulos created a firestorm on Twitter last week after he tweeted the Toronto Police force asking if it would enforce Canadian law against public nudity.

“As #TDSB participation raises questions of age-appropriateness, do you enforce Canada's public nudity laws at Pride?” he asked.

Sotiropoulos, who says he has nothing against “LGBTQ” people and says he would attend the Pride parade if invited, was immediately accused on twitter of insulting and hating gays and was labeled “homophobic.”

“Interesting to remark how readily those who don't want to be labelled cast labels and slander at others,” Sotiropoulos responded. “To think, these are the folks who are ‘inclusive’?! I'd say, ‘Shame on you,’ but there's no suggestion they'd understand what it is.”  (more...)

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