Thursday, February 27, 2014

Homosexual activists aim to ‘destroy the family’, impose ‘totalitarianism’: gay pro-family activist

ROME, February 27, 2014 ( – “I am a homosexual, but I’m against ‘gay marriage,’” a French pro-family activist told an Italian Catholic opinion paper earlier this month.

Jean-Pier-Delaume Myard, spokesman for Manif Pour Tous, told La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana that the “sole purpose” of the homosexualist “gay rights” movement is “destroying the family.”

Myard gave the interview following the first big pro-family Manif Pour Tous event in Italy on February 11.

Myard noted that in a recent talk, he said “we must break the silence” about the real nature of the homosexualist movement, noting that many homosexuals “have nothing to do either closely or from a distance with the gay lobby that has the sole purpose of destroying the family.”  (more...)

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