Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The child sex attacker and Soviet spy who was in the vile group legitimised by Harman and chums

As a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange, Geoffrey Prime would have been delighted if the vile organisation had won its campaign to legalise sex with children.

It might have meant that this evil child molester — who also betrayed Britain’s secrets to the Soviet Union during the Cold War — would never have come to the notice of the police and subsequently been jailed for ruthless and calculated attacks on young girls.

Prime was one of many paedophiles who no doubt felt their repellent activities were validated as a result of the Paedophile Information Exchange’s (PIE) affiliation to the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) at a time when Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and Jack Dromey had key jobs with the civil rights group.

Indeed, after Prime was jailed for 38 years in 1982 (for passing highly-sensitive British national security secrets to the KGB over a period of 14 years while working for the RAF and GCHQ), the Old Bailey was told that several magazines issued on behalf of PIE were found by police in his garage.  (more...)

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