Friday, September 13, 2024

Ottawa-based company is key to keeping Israeli warplanes bombing Gaza


Canada Ottawa Gastops F-35 arms supply technology sole source Israel Gaza genocide embargo

Around the world, peace organizations are targeting ‘sole-source suppliers’ of F-35 jet parts like Canadian Gastops to stop Israel’s assault on Gaza

In a small, sleepy industrial park in the east end of Ottawa, a Canadian company is making essential parts for warplanes bombing Palestinians.

According to a Breach investigation, Gastops is the only company in the world that produces engine sensors that go into U.S.-made F-35 combat jets—including the ones dropping 2,000 pound bombs in Gaza. 

The revelation is “very important,” according to one Canadian arms-control expert. 

“It’s usually impossible to know whether parts made in Whitby or Winnipeg or Laval actually end up in the F-35s that Israel is using in its operations in Gaza, but in this case it’s certain,” said Kelsey Gallagher, a senior researcher at Waterloo, Ont.-based Project Ploughshares. 

In other countries, civil society groups are using the existence of such “sole-source” manufacturers to petition domestic courts to recognize that exports of weapons parts violate international law.

A campaigner with the Netherlands’ largest peace organization, which earlier this year won a court challenge to halt the Dutch government’s transfers to Israel, told The Breach that discovering a sole-source company has been “vital” to their lawsuit.  (more...)

Ottawa-based company is key to keeping Israeli warplanes bombing Gaza

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