Saturday, June 8, 2024

FBI Whistleblower: Israel Has Corrupted The US Government


Israel FBI whistleblower corruption politics Gaza genocide Palestine duplicity arms deliveries Biden hypocrisy doubletalk FBI Coleen Rowley dissent student activism moral depravity

FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley joins MintPress News director Mnar Adley to discuss the bipartisan support for Israel in Washington, the decline of the American empire, the U.S.' addiction to forever wars, and the ongoing attack on whistleblowers like herself. 

Coleen Rowley is a former FBI whistleblower who came to the nation's attention in 2002, after she testified to Congress about 9/11 and the intelligence failures that allowed it to happen. Later that year, she was named Time's Person of the Year. 

Since leaving the FBI, Rowley has become a peace activist, campaigning for an end to forever wars, drawing attention to intelligence misdeeds and supporting the actions of other whistleblowers.

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