Friday, March 30, 2018

Her son, facing murder charges, is being called an ‘alt-right killer.’ This mother blames herself

WASHINGTON—Her troubled son had been up for two nights straight, inconsolable over a breakup, when she pulled him into her bed to soothe him. She never meant to doze, but woke with a start at 4:26 a.m.

The 17-year-old was gone — and so were the car keys she had hidden under her pillow.

She darted through her Northern Virginia home calling his name, before reaching out to his ex-girlfriend’s mother. The texted reply sent waves of dread through her: “He is here. We are calling police.”

The mother expected to see a single officer as she drove toward the ex-girlfriend’s home. Instead she found dozens of police cruisers, a gurney on the front lawn and an officer yelling at her to get to a nearby hospital.

What happened?

At the emergency room, the news hit her with the force of a punch. “Your son has a serious head injury,” a doctor said. “He shot himself and he shot two other people.”  (more...)


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