Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Knights of Columbus Come to the Rescue of Crux

Why are the Knights funding more left-wing Catholicism?

Many Catholics who care about the Church's teachings may have been pleased to hear last week that the Boston Globe will be dropping all financial support for Crux, its left-leaning Catholic news and commentary website, effective April 1.

Shortly thereafter, those same Catholics may also have felt let down and perhaps even surprised on learning that Crux's ideologically dubious presence will be preserved through the funds of the Knights of Columbus.

Many of Crux's writers are notorious for challenging or obscuring the Church's doctrines, prompting some bloggers to dismiss Crux as just another version of the dissident, "progressive" National Catholic Reporter (NCR, also known as the "Fishwrap"). As Fr. John Zuhlsdorf predicted shortly after its launch, "Crux might be a slicker, smarter Fishwrap on steroids."

The question is: Why wouldn't the Knights of Columbus just let this hub of leftist Catholicism die?  (more...)


Why is the symbol of fascism at the centre of the crest?

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