Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Veterans for Peace says US is illegally sending arms to Israel


US Veterans for Peace illegal arms shipments Israel genocide activism advocacy organizing Congress Israel embargo lawlessness corruption

The United States is illegally sending lethal weapons to Israel in violation of local laws, Ellen Barfield, a member of the Veterans for Peace, has told TRT World. Veterans for Peace is an American non-profit of military veterans who have fought in multiple US wars and are seeking ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza.“It is deeply criminal and deeply immoral that our administration continues to send those weapons and deeply immoral the Congress, too many of them, keep approving those sales of weapons to Israel,” Ellen Barfield told TRT World. Barfield’s organisation has been calling on the US Congress to play its role of oversight and open an investigation into how the Biden administration violated US laws by shipping weapons to genocide-accused Israel.

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