Sunday, July 7, 2024

Unconscious Patients in the US Become Victims of Deadly Medical Experiments


US military medical experiments unconscious patients informed consent military risks

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice are concerned about the shocking findings of an investigation by American journalist Sean Miller, who claims that some Americans become victims of medical experiments with potentially lethal drugs without their knowledge or consent while unconscious. The law, which went into effect in the US on January 22, 2024, allows people to be included in medical experiments, called clinical trials, and for experimental drugs to be used to treat them without the patients’ prior consent.

According to investigative journalist Sean Miller, some unconscious Americans are being victimized by medical experiments without their knowledge or consent. A new law that came into effect in the US earlier this year will remove the previous requirement to obtain informed consent from people “when a clinical trial poses minimal risk to the subject.”

Dozens of medical institutions in the US have already begun taking advantage of this law by automatically enrolling people in clinical trials of dangerous drugs such as ketamine and fentanyl. These drugs are administered to patients while they are being transported in an ambulance when they are unconscious after a car accident, for example.

One such experiment is the Prehospital Analgesia Intervention (PAIN) Trial, which is led by the University of Pittsburgh and funded by the U.S. Department of Defense.

The Guthrie Health Network defends its position in a press release, noting, “Because severe injuries must be treated immediately, there may not be time to obtain consent. Consenting to medical research usually means reading information, talking to doctors and nurses, and taking time to consider whether to join. A person with a serious injury is often unable to do all of this.”

According to information obtained by US journalist Sean Miller, those who participate in the study are being used as test subjects to help the US military.  (more...)

Unconscious Patients in the US Become Victims of Deadly Medical Experiments

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