Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The People's Red Line: Surround the White House for Gaza


Biden red line Palestine solicarity Gaza genocide Rafah incursion Israel crimes against humanity bloodbath mass murder White House Washington DC activism organizing

Close to nine months into the genocide in Gaza, the Biden administration shows no sign of stopping the flow of arms and aid to Israel. Earlier in May, Biden declared that he was drawing a 'red line': should Israel invade Rafah, the southernmost corner of the Gaza Strip where hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinian families have sheltered in tents for months, US assistance to Israel would end.

Over the Memorial Day weekend, Israel began a punishing assault on Rafah's tent cities, killing countless Palestinians with US-manufactured bombs. As horrific images of charred corpses and decapitated infants spread around the world, the Biden administration denied its red line had been crossed. Many have been left justifiably wondering what it will take for Washington to cease its support for the genocide. Organizers with the Shut it Down for Palestine Coalition have an answer: if Biden will not impose a red line, the people will.

On June 8th, tens of thousands of activists from around the country will converge on DC for a third national mobilization for Palestine in less than a year. This time, donned in red shirts, the mass mobilization will physically surround the White House to form a 'red line' of its own—demonstrating the power of the mass movement, as well as the growing public rejection of the US's role in enabling Israel's atrocities against Palestinians. Layan Fuleihan, Director of Education with The People's Forum, joins TRNN to discuss upcoming mobilization, and how the mass movement for Palestine is seizing moral authority after the Biden administration has thoroughly discredited itself.

June 8 National Mobilization: Surround the White House for Gaza

Biden red line Palestine solicarity Gaza genocide Rafah incursion Israel crimes against humanity bloodbath mass murder White House Washington DC activism organizing

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