Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Is a Moncton company helping to build jet fighters bombing Gaza?


Canada Moncton Apex Industries Gaza genocide complicity Lockheed Martin F-35 aerospace weapons bombing crimes against humanity moral bankruptcy impunity arms embargo colonialism imperialism ethnic cleansing oppression

The CEO of Apex Industries, which manufactures parts for F-35s, says the company has 'no control' over how its products are used by military contractor Lockheed Martin

Activists are trying to shine a light on the murky world of the military-industrial complex.

A Moncton company that makes components for F-35 fighter jets was the site of a recent protest over alleged links to the Israeli Air Force.

Apex Industries supplies parts to Lockheed Martin, the American aerospace and weapons giant, which sells fighter jets to a number of U.S. allies, including Israel.

The Israeli Air Force has reportedly used those aircraft in the bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

The company’s CEO says it’s unknown whether components built in New Brunswick ultimately become part of Israel’s fleet of F-35s.

But activists say the company is part of war machine enabling the destruction of Gaza.  (more...)

Is a Moncton company helping to build jet fighters bombing Gaza?

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