Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dump Site Openly Flouts Provincial Law


Canada Quebec First Nations indigenous aboriginal Mohawk Kanesatake lawlessness land theft pollution dumping dysfunctionality corruption dereliction colonialism

Experts say Quebec won’t enforce environmental laws on Mohawk land as Kanesatake deals with numerous dump trucks with unknown contents driving in every day.

The people of Kanesatake want to know what’s being dumped on their land.

Every day, from sunrise to sunset, trucks filled with dark brown soil rumble onto the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) territory and unload their cargo by the Lake of Two Mountains.

After decades of inaction from all levels of government, local whistleblowers have gone vigilante: installing trail cams next to dump sites, flying drones overhead, surreptitiously gathering soil samples and — in one case — firing a gun into the air to scare off a trucker.

But still no answers.

On Monday, The Rover recorded three trucks loading what appeared to be contaminated soil from construction sites in Laval and dumping them onto a plot of Mohawk land that overlooks the lake.

The first picked up slabs of asphalt from an industrial building near Highway 440 while the others loaded soil from a condo development in east Laval. All three then headed northwest to Kanesatake and unloaded their cargo near the shoreline.

These shipments all belong to Nexus Construction, a Laval-based excavation company that dumps dozens of truckloads on the reserve every day, according to Kanesatake Grand Chief Victor Bonspille and the community’s environmental protection agency.  (more...)

Dump Site Openly Flouts Provincial Law

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