Thursday, June 2, 2016

Marriage: The Other Shoe Drops in Ontario

Some day my princess will come
Premier Kathleen Wynne pledged on Tuesday to update a law in Ontario that forces some parents to adopt their own children.

Currently, many couples — particularly those in lesbian relationships — discover only after their child is born that their birth certificate may not be as binding as they thought. That’s because provincial laws, as written, state only a birth mother and her live-in male partner or a biological male father are immediately recognized as parents.

“Ontario’s laws are outdated and do not reflect our views on who can form a family,” Wynne said, adding she’s “committed to fixing this.”

For decades, that gap has forced many couples to adopt their own children — mostly lesbian mothers, simply because their partners were the ones who carried the baby. Because surrogacy has its own complex set of rules, couples who use a surrogate aren’t caught up in the same legal limbo, and instead have parenting agreements worked out before birth. Straight couples who use an egg or sperm donor whom they know could also be affected by the outdated law, experts have said.  (more...)


With the conservative 5th column established and the traitors in place, the all-out Blitzkreig begins. An account of how Germany marched unopposed into France, courtesy of the "Greatest Generation":

More cowardice and greed, than courage.

A wink and a nod

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