Thursday, February 11, 2016

Catholic lens doesn’t matter: It’s still wrong

Re: The story, Catholic board awaiting new sex-ed teaching materials Jan. 26.

The Catholic board advised members that materials to help teachers deliver the controversial Sex-Ed Component of the Health and Physical Education curriculum through a "Catholic lens" are forthcoming.

According to elementary curriculum consultant Terri Sinasac, only three new expectations are being added, two of which are gender identity and sexual consent. Perhaps, but she neglected to say that gender identity and sexual consent will be taught to 10 and 11-year-olds respectively.

Let's call a spade a spade. Regardless of Catholic lens or no Catholic lens, it appears more like an attempt to make sense of a teaching that contradicts God's Word.

Can Catholic-lens teaching "do whatever feels good" on Monday, then teach that our bodies must be pure to receive Jesus on Sunday? It can't be both.

I am a concerned parent, one of the "few" who read the media accounts, studied the curriculum and the people involved in the update, i.e. Minister of Education Kathleen Wynne, and the Deputy Minister of Education, Ben Levin (presently serving a three-year prison term for child pornography).

Michelle Parks, the vice-chair of the Catholic school board, may not have received even one call. But the Director of Education, Dan Parr, has received calls, correspondence, and more than one communication.

From Edmonton (Jan. 22), Archbishop Richard Smith: “We cannot adopt NDP's gender mandate for Catholic schools, (as guidelines for the formulation of policy).” Is Albertan Catholic doctrine different from Ontario doctrine?

"The Catholic belief is that the human person is created 'body and soul' together (cf.Catechism of the Catholic Church, nn.362f.), that God created human beings male and female (Mark 10:6), and that we are all called to care for and respect our bodies as they are created," Archbishop Richard Smith.

Families beware: Don't trust the current program being delivered by the Catholic Board. Like Alberta's top bishop, leave no room for doubt because Ontario's Sex-ed is "not congruent with fundamental Catholic doctrine."

More than that, let the school board know that this is wrong for our children.

Phil Kraayenbrink



1 comment:

  1. Sounds like "sellout" is the flavour of the month. Sex-ed, euthanasia.... where will it all end?
