Sunday, January 11, 2015

Trustees or not? Variety of school board models can work

With a Bronx accent and New York straight talk, Mona Davids has a warning for Canada: Don’t give up elected school boards. When New York City did that, parents of 1 million students lost their voice.

“Your schools may have their problems, but at least you have power through the voters’ booth,” said the 41-year-old founder of the New York City Parents’ Union, created four years ago out of the frustration of dealing with a school board that is now wholly appointed by politicians.

What happens in the Big Apple, the largest school board in North America, is of interest to Canada’s largest school board in Toronto, which is under threat of being broken up for being too unwieldy.

So how does a school system with four times as many students as the Toronto District School Board — and eight times the budget — run?

Simple. Out of the mayor’s office. With no elected officials.  (more...)

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