Sunday, December 8, 2013

Never Call Socialism by Its Right Name

Allen West was the latest to get his knuckles rapped for saying there were "about 78 to 81" members of the Democratic Party who are members of the Communist Party. His crime, like McCarthy's, was in raising an uncomfortable subject. We may never know who is or isn't a communist, socialist, Marxist, Stalinist or Leninist in Congress, since all socialists work by deception, define words with obscurities, and refuse to identify themselves, with exceptions like Dohrn and Van Jones. Even in the heyday of communism, the most influential of its comrades were never "card carrying members" and lying was a way of life, which included obligatory perjury. But regardless of their nuances, deception is an integral part of their political ideology.

We have the guidance of an expert -- George Bernard Shaw of the Fabian Society who called Lenin, the "greatest Fabian of them all." He formulated and described the Fabian methodology: it used "methods of stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling socialism by its right name." What we have unearthed from West's exchange, Moyers' ghost story, historical incidents, the Venona documents, and the House Committee on Un-American Hearings is something more important than who is or who isn't, and more important than differing definitions -- it is rule number one of the broad left: deception. Case in point: Shaw would not say that Lenin was the greatest Marxist or communist of them all -- but the greatest Fabian of them all. Not so shrill on the ears.  And all they cared about was perception.  (more...)

And they have been oh so successful:

So the New World Order settles in:

So, get with the programme:

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