Saturday, October 5, 2024

Why is EWTN telling Zionist lies?


Catholic Opus Dei Zionism mendacity Talmud media Zenit EWTN falsehood lies infiltration freemasonry

In my reading and research for an upcoming article on the Talmudic coup widely known as Vatican Council II, I came across an EWTN republication of a “Zenit Daily Dispatch” entitled, Pius XII Favored a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.

Having written previously about Pope Pius XII’s attitude toward the Zionist takeover of Palestine, the headline alone indicated that the article to follow is but a shameless exercise in Judeo propaganda. 

The question that immediately came to mind, however, was why. Why is EWTN telling Zionist lies?

For all intents and purposes, the question is rhetorical insofar as the answer, at least according to my understanding, is multifaceted and obvious. First and foremost, as indicated in the opening paragraph above, the conciliar church to which EWTN belongs is the fruit of Talmudic conquest, the Vatican presently serving as one of the Synagogue’s most treasured occupied territories.

Secondly, the network is – as reported by investigative journalist Randy Engel – part of Opus Dei’s covert media empire, one that includes National Catholic Register, LifeSite News, Our Sunday Visitor, Catholic Canada, and Catholic News Agency (CNA) to name but a few. Zenit, based on its sympathies for both Opus Dei and Zionism, gives every indication of belonging to the same club.

Furthermore, it has long been alleged that the family roots of Opus Dei’s Founder, Josemaria Escriva, were Jewish, which may explain why the Prelature’s principles and procedures are so imbued with both Masonry (a Jewish creation) and Talmudism. As reported by Mrs. Engel in an article published on akaCatholic in April of the this year:

As an interesting sidenote on the subject of the divinizing of work, according to Rabbi Angel Kreiman, the former international Vice President of the World Council of Synagogues and an Opus cooperator, “Many of Josemaria Escriva’s concepts call to mind the Talmudic tradition and reveal his profound knowledge of the Jewish world.” Kreiman claimed that the Talmudic interpretation of work was a central teaching of Escriva.

In fact, as also reported by Mrs. Engel, Escriva plainly admitted that Opus Dei has had Jewish cooperators in the U.S. who, since 1948, have been providing financial support for the Work.  (more...)

Why is EWTN telling Zionist lies?

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