Saturday, July 22, 2023

Dr. Morse Reacts: Sound of Freedom, Elites, and Pedophilia


Sound of Freedom mainstream media disparagement pedophilia Kinsey normalization sexual revolution children family parents Epstein

The Sound of Freedom has generated a lot of press coverage (and box office earnings) but has also garnered its fair share of negative comparisons to Qanon and conspiracy theories. Why on earth would a film that shows the rescue of kids from pedophile rings be condemned by so many in the media? Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse explains.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for this lady who defends children, and everyone who is speaking out and doing their best to keep children safe. Honestly if we can't rise above our fears and defend children against these vile people who target them, we deserve God's meteor and he should send it today. Everyone will have an opportunity to speak out for innocent, vulnerable children and young people. Take that opportunity, don't let it pass you by. When we stand before God we will want to be able to say we did whatever we could.
