Saturday, March 4, 2023

Threat of global warming manufactured to obtain $billions for the Fourth Reich EU


European Union Nazi Fourth Reich green agenda globalism looting neocolonialism Club of Rome environmentalism global warming technofascism Germany austerity

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, etc. would fit the bill” Club of Rome

That means the threat of global warming was invented/manufactured. Germany EU’s report “Green Money: Reclaiming Quantitative Easing, Creating Money for the Common Good” explains in detail why the threat of global warming was manufactured. To obtain $billions for the Fourth Reich EU.

Europe’s economies have still not recovered from the 2008 financial crash. Austerity policies have failed to secure prosperity and employment opportunities, despite some success in calming the finance sector.

However both the EU and member state governments have generally proved very reluctant to use significant government spending on public services, infrastructure, or welfare benefits as a way out of the crisis. Amongst the consequences, we still see disastrously high rates of unemployment in many EU countries, with figures for Spain and Greece around 25%.

The immediate need for economic revival should be put together with the more long-term need to restructure economies to fit them for what has been called “the great transition” – the historic shift from carbon-intensive and resource-intensive industrial production to smarter and greener ways of working and living. …

No such transitions happen without investment, and without some allocation of resources into making them happen. 2015 is a time both of immediate need for a boost to the economies of Europe and historic need for structural change to help bring about the transition to a sustainable economy.

The Germany controlled EU doesn’t want to use Euros to bailout and restructure its failing EU states. So the EU Parliament/government came up with a plan (called Green QE) to force non EU states to bailout and bankroll the restructuring of the Fourth Reich EU.  (more...)

Threat of global warming manufactured to obtain $billions for the Fourth Reich EU

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