Thursday, November 4, 2021

British monarchy mobilizes against the Americas


Queen Elizabeth Prince Phillip population control environmentalism depopulation eugenics Iraq

Will May 16 mark the day on which the United States officially becomes a colony of the British Empire again? On that date, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will address both houses of the U. S. Congress, the first British monarch ever to do so. Judging from some of the latest pronouncements from circles in and around the monarchy, the intervention of herself and her royal brood might even imperil the further existence of the United States and of its Ibero-American neighbors to the south.

In an April 18 front-page article, the London Daily Telegraph claimed that the proposal for the Queen's speech had first come from "the British side," but was then "enthusiastically endorsed" by House Speaker Tom Foley (D-Wash.), who arranged for her formal invitation. The paper gushed that Capitol Hill is "buzzing" over her appearance, "with few pausing to consider the historical significance of welcoming the Queen to the heart of the government of the former colony that had rejected her royalty." The Telegraph. owned by the pro-British Empire Hollinger Corporation of Toronto, Canada, further claimed that congressmen will be "fighting for seats" and it will be an "opportunity for members to cheer," in contrast to the usual practice of congressmen shunning joint addresses.

The British daily said that the Queen is likely to "congratulate President Bush, the Congress, and the American people for their leadership in the Gulf." According to Time magazine and the London Guardian. she will join U.S. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf in a ceremony in Tampa, Florida and grant him an honorary knighthood.

The London Guardian's Washington correspondent Martin Walker reported May 1 that the Gulf war and ensuing Middle East crises were absolutely vital in restoring a U.S.­ British "special relationship"  (more...)

British monarchy mobilizes against the Americas

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