Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Toronto World Futures Conference: Aquarians Meet

New Age Aquarius gnosticism technology environmentalism ecofascism Toronto futurism


On July 20-24 (1980), the World Futures Society and the Canadian Association for Futures Studies sponsored the largest futurist assembly to date. The Toronto conference drew 6000 participants from 45 countries, and featured hundreds of discussion seminars, films, and special events. EIR correspondent Mark Burfman covered the conference from its introductory keynote to its final plenary. Further installments of this report will describe conference discussions on the "post-industrial information society" forecast for the United States and on the space program.

"We must have respect for primitive cultures."

"We must find the ways of transformation to deal with the phenomenon of systems breakdown going on around us." "Respect life: animals, vegetables, and fishes, especially whales."

Another guru's tract? A new California cult manifesto? A scene from the movie Hair?

None of the above. All these statements were made at the recent Toronto First Global Conference on the Future, funded and sponsored by some of Canada's most prestigious corporations and government agencies. The five-day Toronto conference was an object lesson in how some of the leading elites of the Western world have degenerated morally, philosophically, and politically.

For five days, I witnessed top energy policy planners, corporate strategists, and social theorists evangelicize for the set of values usually associated with the "Aquarian Age" elements of the counterculture. The first salvo in the Toronto conference's "Aquarian Age" barrage was fired by Stanford Research Institute futurist Willis Harman. Harman is the man whose social-psychological "Changing Images of Man" experiments in the early 1970s initiated what has today come to be known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy."  (more...)

Toronto World Futures Conference: Aquarians Meet


The 'Information Age' and its friends

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