Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Evangelical Movement Has Created Terrorists Who Are Just As Violent As Muslim Terrorists

Templars, evangelical terrorists
The Evangelical movement in America has helped produce terrorists who are just as violent as Muslim terrorists: they are called the Knights Templars, and they are heavily influenced by major Evangelical leader, John Eldredge. The Knights Templar cult wants to advance their Evangelical ideology throughout Mexico, and they have slaughtered and raped countless Catholic Christians.

Violence plagues Mexico, and the reason for its tremendous murder rate is that the people have swayed from its Catholic roots. Anti-Catholic ideologies and ancient paganism, cloaked in modern facades, has only resulted in endless corpses, rivers of tears, rivers of blood, ceaseless destruction, a corruption that appears to be never ending and that knows no boundaries, callousness and innumerable cries that are crying for justice from underneath the earth. People express different theories as to why this is, but the only explanation that stands the test of time is that Mexican society has become more and more rebellious against the Catholic Faith.

The Templars, amongst the most powerful of the Mexican cartels, are most definitely an anti-Catholic Evangelical cult. It is not just a “drug cartel.” It is an Evangelical cult that slaughters and sexually enslaves Catholics. When people want to join the Templars they are “to accept Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior” in a church service.  (more...)

H/T to Damian Goddard


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