Monday, November 24, 2014

Why would there be so many paedophiles in Westminster?

Home Secretary Theresa May, still trying to find someone suitable to chair her inquiry into historical claims of sex abuse against children, told the BBC’s Andrew Marr yesterday that the allegations that have emerged so far are only “the tip of the iceberg”.

Institutions which were meant to protect children “were not doing so”, she told Marr, and society must “get the truth” about the extent of child abuse and what might have been covered up.

Her comments came as the Sunday People revealed that two retired Scotland Yard detectives have come forward to corroborate the evidence of a paedophile victim known as ‘Nick’ who told the paper he saw a Conservative MP murder a young boy during a “sex party” more than 30 years ago.

The People reports that Scotland Yard are investigating three murders linked to an establishment paedophile ring. The two retired detectives say the ring was dubbed The Untouchables because those involved were “too powerful to bring to justice”.  (more...)


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