Friday, May 8, 2020

GLADIO and the NWO

accountability crime fascism freemasonry Nazi military Gladio NWO CIA occult

The font-of-all-knowledge, Wikipedia, defines Gladio as follows:
Operation Gladio is the codename for clandestine “stay-behind” operations of armed resistance that was planned by the Western Union (WU), and subsequently by NATO, for a potential Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest in Europe. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, “Operation Gladio” is used as an informal name for all of them. Stay-behind operations were prepared in many NATO member countries, and some neutral countries. 
 The role of the CIA in Gladio—the extent of its activities during the Cold War era and any responsibility for terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the “Years of Lead” (late 1960s to early 1980s)—are the subject of debate. Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.
Allan Francovich’s 1992 documentary GLADIO, which screened on BBC2’s Timewatch, ends all debate regarding the CIA’s involvement in ‘false flag’ terror activities. The series proves Operation Gladio gave rise to the CIA’s current modus operandi. In it, Francovich interviewed numerous Operation Gladio primary witnesses and perpetrators...  (more...)


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