Wednesday, February 26, 2025

ICC Urged to Investigate Allegations of War Crimes in Gaza Involving Biden & Blinken


International Criminal Court ICC investigation Gaza war crimes Biden Blinken Austin DAWN Democracy for the Arab World Now justice

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has been requested to conduct an investigation into allegations of war crimes involving President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken for their role in facilitating Israel’s genocide of the native Palestinian population in Gaza.

This marks a significant precedent, as it is the first instance in which a United States-based entity has sought a judicial inquiry into a former president’s potential involvement in purported war crimes and crimes against humanity…

Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) published a 172-page report outlining their request and communications to the International Criminal Court (ICC), in which they have alleged former President Biden, former Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and former Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin – played an accessorial role in aiding and abetting, as well as intentionally contributing to, Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza...

DAWN submitted its January 19 communication in response to the Prosecutor’s November 17, 2023 call for parties to present to his office information relevant to his office’s ongoing probe into violations of the Rome Statute in Palestine, including the current war in Gaza.

The submission presents extensive documentation of decisions by these three American officials to provide Israel with military support, including providing over $17.9 billion in weapons and active military support, including U.S.-operated combat operations, intelligence gathering, and targeting support. The submission also details the trio’s political support, including actions at the United Nations Security Council to veto ceasefire resolutions, and public support encouraging Israeli atrocities, each with the goal of aiding and abetting and ensuring the continuation of Israeli crimes. It analyzes how specific actions and decisions by these officials meet the legal threshold for both aiding and abetting and intentionally contributing to crimes under international criminal law, drawing on established ICC jurisprudence and precedent from other international tribunals.  (more...)

ICC Urged to Investigate Allegations of War Crimes in Gaza Involving Biden & Blinken

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