Saturday, September 21, 2024

Vigilante patrols on campus as Zionist fascists escalate campaign for repression


Canada University of Toronto Zionists fascism repression Palestine solidarity vigilantes intimidation repression violence thuggery smears slander calumny police brutality Magen Herut Canada JDL

Israel supporters have become a leading fascist force in Canada. Vigilante patrols at the University of Toronto are the latest sign.

Recently Zionist vigilante and fascist groups descended on the University of Toronto. Members of the little known JFORCE patrolled the campus in protective gear adorned with a JFORCE logo. JFORCE is a private security company that’s focused on protecting Israel events, protests and dignitaries.

There were also members of Magen Herut Canada. Their patch says “Nothing says never again: Like an armed Jew. Jews can shoot. Jews can shoot.”

The organization’s roots are with the pre-state Irgun terror group. In 1948, Albert Einstein and other prominent Jewish intellectuals labeled Herut “a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.” 

Conservative party deputy leader Melissa Lantsman was at their recent launch in Toronto and has been photographed repeatedly with Herut members.

There were also members of the former Jewish Defence League waving the Kahanist flag. JDL Canada instigated a number of violent incidents and beatings, while in 2011 the RCMP launched an investigation against a number of JDL members who were thought to be plotting to bomb Palestine House in Mississauga. In 2001, the FBI labeled the US branch of the JDL a “right-wing terrorist group” after its members were convicted in a series of violent acts, including the killing of a regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and a plot to assassinate a congressman. Kahane Chai, whose flag was waved, is a listed terrorist organization in Canada and outlawed in Israel.  (more...)

Vigilante patrols on campus as Zionist fascists escalate campaign for repression

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