Friday, September 20, 2024

Shadows of Power: B'nai B'rith and the Secret Societies Behind the Civil War


Britain Freemasonry B'nai B'rith Confederacy secret societies oligarchy Zionism Palmerston Palestine Judah Benjamin Albert Pike usury slavery conspiracy intelligence

In this comprehensive lecture, historian Anton Chaitkin unveils the hidden role of B’nai B’rith, Freemasonry, and Confederate intelligence in shaping the outcome of the American Civil War and its global repercussions. Chaitkin traces the founding of B’nai B’rith in 1843 by Freemasons in New York, a secret society deeply influenced by British imperialism and the Zionist agenda initiated by Lord Palmerston. This network extended beyond American borders, connecting British geopolitical strategies to the rise of Zionism, with Palestine becoming a focal point for British military and economic interests.

Chaitkin delves into the Young America movement, spearheaded by Edwin DeLeon, which aimed to promote territorial expansion, particularly through the Mexican-American War. This movement, backed by pro-slavery advocates, sought to spread slavery into new territories. As the lecture progresses, Chaitkin details the close ties between Judah Benjamin, a Confederate leader, and Albert Pike, a high-ranking Freemason, who worked to strengthen the Confederate Secret Service and the Knights of the Golden Circle. This secretive pro-slavery organization sought to extend slavery into Latin America and the U.S. West.

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth is revealed as part of a broader Confederate conspiracy, supported by powerful networks of global influence. Booth’s connections to the Confederate Secret Service, his meetings with key figures in Montreal, and his financial ties to Judah Benjamin link the assassination directly to these secretive forces. Chaitkin’s lecture emphasizes the role of Freemasonry and its symbolism, showing how these societies operated behind the scenes, with members in key political and military positions shaping the course of American history.

Beyond the Civil War, Chaitkin explores the post-war formation of the Ku Klux Klan, led by Albert Pike and Nathan Bedford Forrest, whose goal was to maintain white supremacy by suppressing Black citizens’ voting rights. The lecture connects the rise of the Jim Crow laws to influential figures like Adolph Ochs, owner of the New York Times, who used his platform to shape public opinion in favor of segregation.

On a broader scale, Chaitkin uncovers the links between B’nai B’rith, Freemasonry, and more extensive global networks, including the Rothschild banking dynasty, which provided critical financial backing for the Confederate cause and helped shape global geopolitics. He draws connections between these secretive societies, the British Crown, and their influence in Palestine, highlighting the intricate web of power that extended far beyond the American Civil War and continues to shape international affairs.


Shadows of Power: B'nai B'rith and the Secret Societies Behind the Civil War

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