Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Have you seen these Toronto police officers?


Canada Toronto Police Service 51 Division brutality violence racism Zionism crime corruption shame

Palestine liberation protestors were allegedly assaulted by these publicly-funded Toronto Police Services officers on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 outside 51 Division.

The Venetian Virus: How England Was Conquered from Within


British Empire Venice infiltration subversion revolution Satanism Hellfire Clubs depravity history Francesco Zorzi Thomas Hobbes Francis Bacon John Locke Bank of England usury slavery oligarchy

H. Graham Lowry's lecture, "The Venetian Virus: How the Venetian Party Took Over England," delves deep into one of the most covert and powerful influences on England’s political history—the Venetian oligarchy. This lecture explores how a web of Venetian conspirators, philosophers, and political agents infiltrated the English court and altered the course of British history from the 16th to the 18th century.

At the heart of this story is Francesco Zorzi, a Venetian cabalist and sex adviser to Henry VIII. Sent by Venice’s ruling elite, Zorzi ingrained himself within the English court, spreading the Venetian Party’s influence. His treatises on mysticism and magic, along with the works of his followers like Sir Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser, set the foundation for an imperialist ideology rooted in cabalism and Rosicrucianism.

As Venice’s grip tightened, the Venetian Party emerged in England through influential figures such as Thomas Hobbes and Francis Bacon, reshaping English culture and philosophy. John Locke, one of the most prominent Venetian agents, played a pivotal role in justifying the overthrow of King James II during the Glorious Revolution and in establishing the Bank of England in 1694—an institution that would lead the nation into debt and ongoing wars.

Lowry underscores how this Venetian influence ultimately paved the way for the British Empire, as Venice’s mercantile and oligarchical model took root in English governance, economics, and society. The lecture also examines the resistance to this dark influence by figures like Jonathan Swift and the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, who sought to counter the Venetian manipulation with a vision of republican liberty.

Lowry’s analysis presents a gripping narrative of how Venice, through subversion, manipulation, and intellectual influence, infected England and steered it toward imperial domination, corruption, and financial exploitation—forever shaping the destiny of the modern world.

Perfect for students of history, political science, and philosophy, this lecture illuminates a little-known chapter in the development of British and world history and how the Venetian Party’s strategies still echo in global power structures today.


The Venetian Virus: How England Was Conquered from Within

The Systemic Roots of Western Islamophobia


British Empire mandate Palestine colonialism France George W Bush neocons dehumanization racism white supremacy Christian Zionism warmongering mainstream media bigotry UK riots books

Since the turn of the 21st century, the world has become deeply familiar with the global “war on terror.” Framed by the West’s ostensibly patriotic and “civilized” political narrative that conveniently expands their national security power and geopolitical interests, it also pins Muslims as savage, and Islam as a barbaric religion of people that want nothing but the destruction of the West.

This perception of Islam—and its followers—as wicked and violent, spread wide and far, especially in the United States, Great Britain and other allied countries. This doesn’t happen without the help of the media and influential public figures, who shape public opinion and reinforce stereotypes.

Peter Oborne, a renowned British journalist and author, has done much work throughout his career to challenge these myths that marginalize an already historically repressed group. He joins host Chris Hedges on this episode of The Chris Hedges Report to discuss his latest book, “The Fate of Abraham: Why the West is Wrong About Islam.

“It's perfectly okay to smear Muslims in Britain,” Oborne tells Hedges. “Because that press arena is captured by people who regard Muslims as second class, third class… citizens, if not barbarians, there's no mainstream corrective to a very dangerous narrative, and it's getting more and more frightening.”

Oborne, for the work he has done on this issue, has himself experienced the consequences of Western Islamophobia. While working at The Daily Telegraph, Oborne’s editors refused to publish a lengthy investigation he conducted that exposed how “senior Muslim figures in [Britain] were having their bank accounts just taken away from them without any reason given.” 

When he found out that “one of the [paper’s] advertiser[s] [was] the HSBC bank” and that they were one of the banks closing the accounts, he left his post. Soon after, when he wrote a book about Boris Johnson’s “lies and the collaboration, the complicity, [and] the client journalism,” it marked the end of Oborne’s career in mainstream journalism. 

Yet the Islamophobia that accelerated after 9/11 has deep roots in Western thought. To truly understand its prevalence in Western society, “you have to go back to the Pilgrim fathers.” Fanatic religionism led the pilgrims to believe they were God’s chosen people, and enabled them to slaughter the Natives much like Israel is doing to the Palestinians today. Even the modern families who have furthered the goals of the Israeli state, such as the Bush dynasty, have distant relatives such as a pastor named George Bush from the 1840s that advocated for Christian Zionism and using the Jewish people as sacrificial lamb for a larger prophetic vision of Christianity. 

Oborne takes Hedges on a deep historical journey, explaining that Islamophobia and the persecution of Muslims is far from a new phenomenon. By understanding their origins, Oborne helps put today’s tragedies, such as the genocide in Gaza and the riots in the UK, in crucial and critical perspective.

Losing the argument


RT independent media censorship smears social media Facebook geopolitics Ukraine Hunter Biden Gaza repression

Washington’s global war on information has entered new territory. Dissent is criminalized, questioning authority is treasonous. If you watch this program you may get a knock on your door. Western elites hold their citizens in contempt.

CrossTalking with Margaret Kimberley, Sara Flounders, and Dimitri Lascaris.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Laborer’s members — toss fanatic pro-Israel ‘leaders’


Canada LiUNA Zionism collaboration genocide ethnic cleansing oppression racism white supremacy Victoria Mancinelli Israel lobby

The Canadian leadership of Laborers’ International Union of North America supports an apartheid state committing a holocaust in Gaza. LiUNA Canada’s communications director has become a leading Israel advocate.

On Monday Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) announced it will honour the LiUNA Director of Public Relations, Marketing and Strategic Partnerships, Victoria Mancinelli at its upcoming Spirit of Hope celebration of genocide and apartheid. To announce the prize Mancinelli was photographed alongside FSWC head Michael Levitt at the genocide lobby group’s office in Toronto.

In June the Hamilton Jewish Federation gave Mancinelli its President’s Award for her activism serving Israel’s holocaust in Gaza. In their statement the genocide lobby organization boasted that Mancinelli “describes herself as ‘an unapologetic Zionist.’”

Mancinelli has been highly active on social and corporate media promoting the interests of a country that has killed hundreds of thousands (directly and indirectly). Over the past 11 months Israel has killed more than 700 Palestinian infants in Gaza. The rate of killing of those under the age of two is unprecedented in modern warfare.

In March, Victoria and her father Joseph Mancinelli, who is head of LiUNA Canada, signed a “Joint Statement Condemning NDP Motion on Israel”, which opposed a ceasefire (and quoted former Prime Minister Stephen Harper of all people). “It is unreasonable and immoral to demand an ‘immediate ceasefire’ without having given Israel the opportunity to rectify the legitimate threats to the safety and security of its population,” it read. “Providing Israel with the ability to vanquish all the terror factions presently jeopardizing its national security is the only logical way to ensure the future peaceful coexistence.”  (more...)

Laborer’s members — toss fanatic pro-Israel ‘leaders’

Trudeau's government won't silence me


Canada US Joly Blinken RT Russian intelligence accusation smear slander calumny censorship Zivo Ukraine

On September 13, 2024, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken alleged that Russia's state-owned broadcaster, RT, is working with Russia's intelligence services to spread harmful disinformation in the West. 

Blinken's statement was immediately followed by a similar statement from Canadian Foreign Minister, Melanie Joly. In her statement, Joly specifically referenced the fact that certain Canadians appear on RT to criticize Western foreign policy. Also, Canada's Minister of Public Safety, Dominic Leblanc, declared that "any Canadians who illegally assist in Russia's persistent attempts to use disinformation... will face the full force of Canadian law.”

One of those Canadians is Dimitri Lascaris. In his latest Rant of the Week, Lascaris explains why he accepts invitations to appear on RT and declares that he has no intention of ending his relationship with RT, despite the Trudeau Government's veiled threat.

Barry Zekelman triggered: Canadian-born billionaire steel magnate


Barry Zekelman Canada billionaire steel Zionism donor Donald Trump University of Windsor divestment Gaza genocide politics influence


From Pipeline Protests to PGWP: Nick Estes on Indigenous Solidarity and Worker Rights


Canada immigration pipeline protests indigenous Palestine solidarity workers labour First Nations aboriginal

Nick Estes, indigenous activist and scholar, delivers a powerful speech in support of PGWP protestors in Brampton, Ontario. Drawing parallels between indigenous struggles and immigrant workers' rights, Estes shares insights from pipeline protests and emphasizes the importance of solidarity across marginalized groups. He critiques both right-wing and liberal governments, highlighting the need for worker unity and grassroots organizing. Estes connects the fight against colonialism, environmental destruction, and worker exploitation, urging protestors to build alliances beyond traditional power structures. This inspiring talk offers a unique perspective on shared struggles and the power of collective action.

The West is deeply complicit in genocide of Palestine


Palestine solidarity repression Iceland Craig Murray arrest detention interrogation confiscation bail conditions terrorism intimidation fascism Zionism

"We have a situation where not only is the West deeply complicit in the genocide in Palestine, the West, the ruling class of the West is so scared of its own citizens."

Former British ambassador and human rights campaigner Craig Murray was invited to speak at the United Nations in Geneva on 13 September, where he spoke about how western countries are using anti-terrorism laws to silence pro-Palestine sentiments.

Heritage of Tadeusz Kosciuszko: a basis for Polish-American ties


Poland American Revolution Tadeusz Kosciuszko history revolution independence republicanism military engineering architecture politics War of Independence

In no other country in Europe, except perhaps France, is there a better understanding of the American Revolution and the question of nationhood. The fight for freedom in Poland went hand in hand with America's. This becomes vivid when one grasps the role of Polish national hero Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

Kosciuszko and another Pole, Casimir Pulaski, were among the best known of the European officers who fought in the American War of Independence. Kosciuszko arrived in America before any other European officer. He was already at sea when the Continental Congress passed the Declaration of Independence, and he arrived in America in August of 1776.

Educated at the first Polish military academy, the Szola Rycerska (Knights School), where he studied military engineering, fortifications and tactics, philosophy, mathematics, and Polish history, Kosciuszko had his first appointment as an engineer with the rank of colonel.

In America, Kosciuszko became acclaimed for his role in the Battle of Saratoga, where his construction and fortification of the camp enabled Gen. Horatio Gates and his army to withstand two violent British attacks. The first American victory against the British, this was a strategic turning point in the war, since Kosciuszko helped prevent the British from cutting off New England-and with it the majority of the Continental Army-from the rest of the colonies.

Kosciuszko is probably best known for building the fortifications at West Point, where he was appointed Chief of Works not long after Saratoga.

He stayed there for two years, overseeing the fortifications, after which he spent three years in the southern campaigns of the Continental Army, under Nathaniel Green. In all, Kosciuszko was with the American forces for almost seven years, longer than any other European officer; his qualifications and accomplishments secured him the rank of general in the American army.

Thus Kosciuszko was an important member of the international conspiracy that planned and carried out the American revolution. He was a founding member of the Society of Cincinnatus, established in 1783 and consisting of officers who had fought in the American War of Independence. General Lafayette, as a leader of the organization, was determined to use the victory in America to fight for humanist republics also in Europe.  (more...)

Heritage of Tadeusz Kosciuszko: a basis for Polish-American ties


The anti-Malthusian current in Poland

Monday, September 16, 2024

ADL Offshoot’s Hidden Influence in US Schools: Project Shema Exposed


education US schools ADL Project Shema indoctrination Zionism Israel lobby racism white supremacy Islamophobia bias privilege parents

On September 3, Massachusetts’ Northampton High School (N.H.S.) was shut down – dramatically, yet without much fanfare. All 900 pupils were given the day off, with every teacher conversely cooped up inside. Meanwhile, swarms of armed police patrolled the grounds. Their purpose was to deter any potential commotion from concerned parents or students who might attend to voice their discontent. N.H.S. was hosting a highly controversial staff instruction delivered by the “training and support organization” Project Shema.

Days earlier, local outlet The Daily Hampshire Gazette reported on how over 500 community members had signed a petition demanding N.H.S. scrap the “professional development training” delivered by Project Shema, which purportedly focuses on “addressing antisemitism” and instead “plan training on anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism.” The petition was launched “by parents of current students and current high school staff” due to their concerns that “Project Shema conflates antisemitic comments with criticism of Israel and support for Palestine.”

They charged that Project Shema closely aligns with the noxious Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a prominent and extremely well-funded Zionist lobby organization. With a sordid history of infiltrating and destabilizing social justice movements, it preaches the perverse gospel that any condemnation of Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinian people equates to antisemitism. The petition’s authors allege Project Shema employs similarly disreputable tactics and rhetoric to insulate the Zionist entity’s neverending erasure of Palestine from scrutiny. They further stated:

"By using Project Shema as a training resource, N.H.S. will be endorsing a narrative that the colonization, ethnic cleansing, and illegal occupation of Palestinian land and people is legitimate. It will bolster harmful narratives that Palestinians, and Arabs in general, are irrational and inherently antisemitic. N.H.S. will be aligning with those who claim that Israel’s genocide of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza constitutes ‘self defense.’”   (more...)

ADL Offshoot’s Hidden Influence in US Schools: Project Shema Exposed

Ottawa reopens study of releasing Nazi war criminal files after omitting Holocaust experts


Canada immigration Nazi ratlines Ukraine Waffen SS Galicien war crimes cover-up secrecy Holocaust stonewalling footdragging scandal NaziGate

After the debacle in 2023, when Parliamentarians gave a standing ovation to an elderly Ukrainian Waffen SS veteran, pressure mounted on Ottawa to speed up publishing the names of long-classified files containing the identities of hundreds of suspected Nazi war criminals welcomed by Canada after the Second World War. The files were prepared in the 1980s for the so-called Deschenes Commission, which studied Canada’s postwar immigration screening problems, especially when it came to former soldiers from Nazi-occupied Europe.

It was believed the government would publish them in May 2024, to help commemorate Jewish Heritage Month. But that didn’t happen. In June and July, researchers from Library and Archives Canada held consultations with a small list of stakeholders to discuss privacy issues with the files.

A decision was expected this week. But that could be delayed further, after media reports surfaced slamming the bureaucrats for not consulting with a key group: Holocaust survivors and educators. They also missed academics, Polish Canadians and others who want the files released. The CJN has learned the consultations are being reopened as experts from the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Canada, including one of the group’s Holocaust survivors, are scheduled to have a hearing this Thursday.

On today’s episode of The CJN Daily, we’re joined by Sam Goldstein, former legal director for B’nai Brith Canada, the human rights organization that has been at the centre of the campaign to release these files. Goldstein explains why he thinks the government is stonewalling—and what should happen next.

Shielding Nazis in Canada the wrong use of time, resources


Canada immigration Nazi ratlines Ukraine Waffen SS Galicien war crimes WWII cover-up whitewashing secrecy Holocaust scandal NaziGate embarrassment

Not releasing the names of alleged Nazi war criminals who entered Canada would be a continued protection of individuals who perpetrated the Holocaust, or collaborated with the Nazis.

Earlier this month, there were stories in both The Globe and Mail and the Ottawa Citizen revealing that Library and Archives Canada is preparing to release a list of nearly 900 names of alleged Nazi war criminals who entered Canada following the Second World War.

With the passage of time, it can be safely assumed that the overwhelming majority of these individuals are long since deceased.

Those Canadian officials responsible for allowing these Nazi war criminals entry—and failing to bring them to justice for the war crimes they committed—are most certainly no longer among the living. So, one would think this would be a rather routine release of formerly classified government information. However, that has not proved to be the case.

The contentious files include documents compiled by the 1986 federal government war crimes commission headed by Justice Jules Deschênes. One such document is entitled “Master List of alleged war criminals resident in Canada with a list of sources.” While this particular list contains 774 names, additional files of Nazi scientists and technicians who entered Canada following the war brings that total to 900.

The original news stories revealed that after Library and Archives Canada (LAC) had received an access to information request for the “Master List of Alleged war criminals,” they had conducted a series of consultations with what LAC officials described as a “discrete group of individuals or organizations.” Those consulted included various representatives from Canada's Ukrainian community, along with other Eastern European diasporas. Not included in the LAC discussions were any Holocaust survivors or Holocaust scholars whom one would think would be the key stakeholders in a decision to release the names of Nazi war criminals. 

Also, one would think that all Canadians would be interested in knowing the identity of alleged Nazi war criminals who were allowed to live out their lives peacefully in our midst.  (more...)

Shielding Nazis in Canada the wrong use of time, resources

How the Sicilian Mafia Came Into the Service of the Vatican Bank & the Murder of 33-Day Pope, John Paul I, who called for its Reform


Catholic religion Sindona Vatican Bank Sicilian Mafia CIA drug weapons trafficking assassination crime corruption Marcinkus Pope Paul VI Montini money laundering CIA

In this paper the role of Michele Sindona will be discussed, the reality and unreality of The Godfather trilogy, as well as the murders of both Aldo Moro and Pope John Paul I

“Unlike American Catholics, who choose to believe that the pope and the church are above human frailty, Italian Catholics have no illusions about the Vatican. By June 21, 1963, when Conclave 81 announced Giovanni Montini’s election as Pope Paul VI, Italians knew that the Vatican had built a financial empire through the use of secret bank accounts and the advice of expert money men like Michele Sindona.

The Instituto per le Opere di Religione (IOR) is the head of the Vatican’s financial octopus. The IOR, known also as the Bank of the Vatican, looks like any other bank, except that the cashiers are priests…In addition to performing all the normal banking functions, the IOR also acts as the Vatican’s holding company. It owns major blocks of shares in eighty-two banks. Among them are the largest banks in Italy: Banca di Roma, Banco Ambrosiano of Milan, Banco di Napoli, and Banco di Sicilia. Its gold reserves are in excess of $3 billion [approx. worth $11.5 billion in today’s money].

With an estimated $11 billion [approx. worth $42 billion in today’s money] invested in stocks, the Vatican is the largest stockholder in the world.”

-          Luigi DiFonzo, St. Peter’s banker (1983)

Michele Sindona was born into a poor family living in a small commune in Sicily in the province of Messina. He had been educated by the Jesuits through the University of Messina (f. 1548 by Pope Paul III), the world’s first Jesuit college[1] and today among the oldest universities in Italy. Sindona was known as among the brightest students of his class. By the end of the war, Sindona had become a respected member of the Luciano/Don Calo crime family and one of the Sicilian Mafia’s leading financial advisors.

He had earned a degree in tax law from the University of Messina in 1942, but quickly entered the black market of Sicily as a leading figure after Operation Husky. Recall from Part I of this series that Operation Husky was the Allied invasion of Sicily, which in the name of supposedly fighting Italian Fascists, the Sicilian Mafia was given political power, by the CIA, over the island and had been given control of all major Italian ports which then facilitated the black market between the United States and Sicily. The CIA would also profit off this relationship in the trafficking of drugs and weapons in service to Gladio.  (more...)

How the Sicilian Mafia Came Into the Service of the Vatican Bank & the Murder of 33-Day Pope, John Paul I, who called for its Reform

Toronto Police “Caused a Riot” Outside 51 Division After Pro-Palestinian Protest of UJA Event


Canada Toronto police brutality riot arrests detention interrogation racism persecution Palestine solidarity Zionism protest 51 Division injuries Gaza genocide oppression white supremacy fascism

Police pushed the crowd off the sidewalk into active traffic on Parliament St., pepper sprayed liberally, punched or elbowed multiple women in the face, tackled and arrested someone they had pushed into another officer and more.

Those who were outside Toronto Polices Services (TPS) 51 Division on Sept. 11 describe a scene of complete chaos and mayhem after police started pushing the crowd onto the road, then pepper spraying, punching and tackling them. Several demonstrators had to go to the hospital after. 

Police report two people were charged for incidents there and one person was charged at an earlier related protest a few blocks away at Meridian Hall, all for allegedly assaulting officers. Demonstrators note that four others were arrested but not charged with anything. Police say two officers had minor injuries.

The original protest was in opposition to a fundraising event for the United Jewish Appeal – Federation of Greater Toronto (UJA), which provides funds to a number of activities, including the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), which is its “advocacy agent.” 

The fundraiser featured staunchly pro-Israel speakers and performers. These included an active soldier in the Israeli Defence Forces, pro-Israel American columnist Bari Weiss, who has loudly opposed gender-affirming medical care for trans people, a staff member at the U.S.-based pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League, and an Israeli actor. 

No speakers critical of Israel or denouncing its war on Gaza, which has killed over 41,000 Palestinians, were on the program.

According to Nadine Shurafa with Occupy UofT for Palestine, members of several groups came together to oppose the “platforming [of] individuals notorious for their roles in supporting Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people, spreading anti-Palestinian hate, and stoking anti-trans sentiment.”

Several members of the anti-Zionist Jews Say No to Genocide (JSNTG) coalition, who do not feel represented by the UJA’s positions on Israel, gathered outside Meridian Hall before the event, with others. A group of around a dozen people, with heavy representation from JSNTG, went inside and sat down in the box office lobby, unfurling banners and posters, linking arms, and making speeches.

Private security and police told them they were trespassing, and then police dragged them out by their arms and legs along the driveway to the sidewalk.  (more...)

Toronto Police “Caused a Riot” Outside 51 Division After Pro-Palestinian Protest of UJA Event

"People Are Afraid": Haitians in U.S. Face Hate, Threats as Trump and Vance Spread Racist Lies


US Haitians Springfield Ohio JD Vance Donald Trump bigotry fear racism discrimination deportations smears slander calumny hatemongering

As Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance continue to spread debunked, racist lies that Haitians living in Springfield, Ohio, are eating people's pets, we speak with Guerline Jozef from the Haitian Bridge Alliance, an immigrant advocacy group, about threats of violence that have forced closures and evacuations at hospitals, colleges and City Hall in Springfield, with some threats citing anger over the city's resettlement of Haitian immigrants. This comes as Trump continues to promise mass deportations if he is reelected, starting in Springfield, even though the Haitians there were welcomed under the Temporary Protected Status program.

Poland’s top diplomat spills the beans on Ukraine, the US, and Nord Stream in a prank call


Poland foreign minister Sikorski scandal Ukraine Nord Stream prank call national security resignation prosecution

Former Polish judge Tomasz Szmydt has called for the resignation of Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, saying that he jeopardized national security by sharing classified information with Russian pranksters.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Germany tosses crumbs at Gaza while arming Israel and Ukraine to the teeth


Germany arms trade Israel Ukraine Iran Russia US EU NATO Gaza

On September 5, 2024, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock held a press conference in Amman with Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi. 

During the press conference, Al-Safadi pressed Germany to impose sanctions on Israel. Baerbock responded by announcing a €50 million increase in German aid to Gaza, resulting in total German aid of about €360 million since last year. This sum is a minute fraction of the €34 billion in military, economic and humanitarian aid that Germany has provided to Ukraine since 2022. In addition, Germany continues to be one of Israel's largest suppliers of military equipment.

On September 12, Dimitri Lascaris discussed these developments with Elijah Magnier. Magnier is a veteran war correspondent and political analyst with over 35 years of experience covering decades of war in the Middle East and North Africa. He has strong relationships with key players and has acquired in-depth experience, extensive contacts, and solid knowledge of the complex political situations in West Asia.

Magnier and Lascaris also discussed the escalation of the war between Israel and Lebanon's Islamic Resistance, as well as recent accusations by the Biden administration that Iran has supplied ballistic missiles to Russia.

Scott Ritter, Richard Medhurst, Sarah Wilkinson, PalAction: US & UK Crackdown on Dissent


independent journalism US UK crackdown censorship silencing arrest detention home raids interrogation confiscation intimidation bail conditions dissent repression activism

We take a look how Western governments like the UK are cracking down on the information War by arresting and interrogating journalists for their coverage on Palestine. 

As the ceasefire deal looks further away than ever over the issue of the Philadelphi Corridor, we are witnessing a renewed media and activism crackdown by Western Governments. From the detention of UK-based Journalists Richard Medhurst and Sarah Wilkinson, the raiding of former Marine Intelligence officer Soctt Ritter's home by the FBI, to the US Marshals questioning of Jewish activist Jacob Burger on his return from a humanitarian trip to Egypt, we examine the developing information landscape with regards to disastrous Israel/United States foreign policy. 

The UK is currently holding 16 political prisoners from Palestine Action for their direct actions organized against Israeli weapons factories in the United Kingdom.

Canadian journalist outs himself as Canadian, Ukrainian intelligence collaborator


Canada mainstream media National Post CSIS SBU espionage collaboration Ukraine fraud Adam Zivo discredit propaganda agent asset conflict of interest

Canada’s National Post is refusing to comment after one of its columnists revealed himself to be a collaborator with Western-aligned intelligence agencies. A Canadian activist is now threatening to sue the paper after the confessed spy smeared him in a front page article.

Adam Zivo, a columnist who covered the war in Ukraine for Canada’s National Post newspaper, has outed himself as an operative of Canadian and Ukrainian intelligence. The admission came as Zivo publicly leapt to the defense of Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), in response to a wave of online mockery directed towards a post by the spy agency which asked readers, “Has a stranger ever tried to inflate your ego?,” before warning them that such flattery “could be elicitation.”

“People are dunking on this tweet but this actually happened to me in Odesa in early 2023 with a guy who seemed to be a Chinese spy,” Zivo volunteered. “I ended up organizing a small sting operation with two Ukrainian intelligence officers to figure out what his deal was,” he declared.

In a subsequent post, Zivo expanded on his repeated attempts to entrap a man he had encountered in Odessa, and whom he claimed was a Chinese intelligence agent. “I met the Chinese man and his wife at a restaurant while wearing a wire,” while “SBU officers watched us from a car parked outside, which had tinted windows,” Zivo stated.

He told Canada’s PressProgress that following his meeting with the supposed Chinese agent, “I drafted a detailed report which I quickly provided to the National Post, CSIS [Canadian Security Intelligence Service] and the Ukrainian government. After the recorded dinner, I produced transcripts and a follow-up report which was also shared with these stakeholders.”

The National Post has so far refused to comment on the revelation. As PressProgress reported, “National Post Editor-in-Chief Rob Roberts and Managing Editor Carson Jerema did not respond to several requests for comment.”  (more...)

Canadian journalist outs himself as Canadian, Ukrainian intelligence collaborator

Have you received Death Threats from Internet Trolls?


internet trolls Israel lobby AIPAC Zionists harassment death threats doxxing incitement genocide ethnic cleansing oppression racism white supremacy ADL

Anya Parampil lays out the sad truth about online Zionists

Saturday, September 14, 2024

How the war on Gaza exposed Israeli and western fascism


Gaza genocide mainstream media BBC Israel West fascism lobby moral bankruptcy ethnic cleansing racism white supremacy oppression misinformation censorship

Material and rhetorical support for the genocide of the Palestinian people is everywhere. It's time to ask why

Nearly a year into the world’s first live-streamed genocide - which began in Gaza, and is rapidly expanding into the occupied West Bank - the establishment western media still avoid using the term “genocide” to describe Israel’s rampage of destruction. 

The worse the genocide gets, the longer Israel’s starvation-blockade of the enclave continues, the harder it gets to obscure the horrors - and the less coverage Gaza receives. 

The worst offender has been the BBC, given that it is Britain’s only publicly funded broadcaster. Ultimately, it is supposed to be accountable to the British public, who are required by law to pay its licence fee. 

This is why it has been beyond ludicrous to witness the billionaire-owned media froth at the mouth in recent days about “BBC bias” - not against Palestinians, but against Israel. Yes, you heard that right. 

We are talking about the same “anti-Israel” BBC that just ran yet another headline - this time after an Israeli sniper shot an American citizen in the head - that managed somehow, once again, to fail to mention who killed her. Any casual reader risked inferring from the headline “American activist shot dead in occupied West Bank” that the culprit was a Palestinian gunman.

After all, Palestinians, not Israel, are represented by Hamas, a group “designated as a terrorist organisation” by the British government, as the BBC helpfully keeps reminding us. 

And it is the supposedly “anti-Israel” BBC that last week sought to stymie efforts by 15 aid agencies known as the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to run a major fundraiser through the nation’s broadcasters.

No one is under any illusions about why the BBC is so unwilling to get involved. The DEC has chosen Gaza as the beneficiary of its latest aid drive.

The committee faced the very same problem with the BBC back in 2009, when the corporation refused to take part in a Gaza fundraiser on the extraordinary pretext that doing so would compromise its rules on “impartiality”.

Presumably, in the BBC’s eyes, saving the lives of Palestinian children reveals a prejudice that saving Ukrainian children’s lives does not.

In its 2009 attack, Israel killed “only” 1,300 or so Palestinians in Gaza, not the many tens of thousands - or possibly hundreds of thousands, no one truly knows - it has this time around. 

Famously, the late, independent-minded Labour politician Tony Benn broke ranks and defied the BBC’s DEC ban by reading out details of how to donate money live on air, over the protests of the show’s presenter. As he pointed out then, and it is even truer today: “People will die because of the BBC’s decision.”

According to sources within both the committee and the BBC, the corporation’s executives are terrified - as they were previously - of the "backlash" from Israel and its powerful lobbyists in the UK if it promotes the Gaza appeal.

A spokesperson for the BBC told Middle East Eye that the fundraiser did not meet all the established criteria for a national appeal, despite the DEC's expert opinion that it does, but noted the possibility of broadcasting an appeal was "under review".  (more...)

How the war on Gaza exposed Israeli and western fascism

Why Canadian Aid Groups Are Calling For An Israel Arms Embargo


Gaza genocide Canada aid groups Israel arms embargo hardship oppression violence slaughter genocide catastrophe

“It’s really just such an incredible struggle to operate in Gaza. I’ve never seen anything like it in my career.”

Canadian aid organizations are renewing calls for a complete embargo on military exports to Israel, warning that it is impossible for them to provide basic support to Palestinians while Israel continues its brutal attacks on Gaza.

Dalia Al-Awqati, head of humanitarian affairs at Save the Children Canada (SCC), noted that Israel’s war has so far killed at least 16,456 children, amounting to more than 1 per cent of Gaza’s total child population. 

Another estimated 20,000 are missing, she said, with many likely buried beneath rubble.

“We don’t believe that the government of Canada should continue to provide weapons that are likely being used in violations of international humanitarian law against civilians and particularly against children,” Al-Awqati told The Maple.

In March, the Trudeau government said it would pause authorizations of new permits for exports of military goods to Israel. However, this measure did not apply to approximately $95 million worth of export permits approved before January 8, or any goods that flow to Israel via the United States and other third countries.  (more...)

Why Canadian Aid Groups Are Calling For An Israel Arms Embargo

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw a Zionist's Best Friend


Canada Toronto police chief Myron Demkiw Zionists repression genocide terrorists politics assassination

In the interview, Demkiw waxes enthusiastic about the Zionist UJA (which just hosted poet murderer Bari Weiss) deputizing itself to the @TorontoPolice

City Of Montreal Illegally Seized Pro-Palestine Signs, Activists Allege


Canada Montreal politics lawlessness city employees crime election Zionists racism white supremacy interference crime

“Our clients are very justified in having some very serious questions about the motivation of the city in taking down these posters.”

The City of Montreal is facing legal action after its employees were caught on camera tearing down pro-Palestine signs ahead of a federal by-election.

The signs belonged to LaSalle-Émard-Verdun pour la Palestine (LEV4P), which is legally registered as a third-party campaign group in the upcoming LaSalle—Émard—Verdun by-election, taking place on September 16.

The incident is the third time since 2008 that the City of Montreal inappropriately removed election signs belonging to Palestine solidarity groups and pro-Palestine political parties, raising questions about why such signs are being targeted.

LEV4P sent a cease and desist letter to the City on August 2. The City initially did not admit responsibility for tearing down the signs, until the group presented CCTV footage of one of the incidents, which was recorded on July 31.

One of the videos, seen by The Maple, shows an individual in a City vehicle pulling up beside a sign attached to a lamp post and using a box cutter to remove it, before driving away with the sign.

Signs belonging to registered third parties are protected under federal election law.  (more...)

City Of Montreal Illegally Seized Pro-Palestine Signs, Activists Allege

McGill president smears students while ignoring genocide


Canada McGill University student activism repression Deep Saini president administration deceit conflict of interest lap dog Zionists politics students youth dissent smears slander calumny servility colonialism imperialism

McGill president Deep Saini has repeatedly attacked students on his campus who oppose the Gaza genocide and has even asked pro-Israel students to spy on professors.

Wealthy donors, a well-organized outside lobby and an empowered victimhood narrative ensures McGill’s president promotes genocide. With students expressing their overwhelming support for divestment through referendums, rallies, petitions, a hunger strike and 75-day encampment Deep Saini recently claimed those opposing Israel’s holocaust in Gaza are “a small group” causing difficulty for “the majority”.

In a highly provocative move for a university president presenting himself as neutral, President Saini participated in a recent town hall with the most vocal advocate of Israeli violence in the House of Commons. A Canadian Jewish News report on an event Liberal MP Anthony Housefather billed as a discussion about Jewish students and faculty’s “safe return to campus”, quoted Saini smearing McGill students. “It’s very hard to tell whether the antisemitism went up or it became more overt,” Saini told the pro-genocide event. “Did we actually see a rise in antisemitism? Or did we see people using this moment, forum these circumstances, to give themselves a license to express antisemitism?”

The head of the prestigious university also labeled those opposed to the genocide as a small minority. “It was a stark example of how a small group of determined people can create an extremely difficult situation for the majority that remains relatively quiet and ends up becoming a victim,” Saini said.

President Saini threatened professors over any “abuse of podium.” “Nobody would be allowed to abuse their position to make a (political or hateful) statement”, Saini declared. He even asked Jewish Zionist students to spy on professors, reportedly “calling on Jewish students to be the ears on the ground and report any breaches of conduct.”

Keen to dispatch police against student protesters, Saini doesn’t believe those promoting a holocaust should feel uncomfortable. “Nobody is going to be now excluded from or made to feel uncomfortable in class because they are a Zionist and support Israel,” concluded Saini.  (more...)

McGill president smears students while ignoring genocide

Government-backed Ukrainian Canadian Congress opposes naming 900 Nazi war criminals who found refuge in Canada


Canada Ukraine immigration Nazi ratlines cover-up whitewashing Ukraine Waffen SS Galicien Yaroslav Hunka scandal ovation redaction secrecy UCC

The far-right Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) is raising $150,000 to fund a lawsuit against the Canadian government to stop the potential release of the heretofore secret Part 2 of the 1985 Deschenes Commission Report on War Criminals in Canada. The report contains the names of more than 900 Nazi war criminals who were admitted as immigrants to Canada, the so-called “Master List,” along with summaries of the criminal allegations against each of them.

The campaign by the UCC, which has enjoyed the support of the Canadian state for decades and has significant influence within the pro-war Trudeau government, is supported by sections of the corporate media. The main argument raised against the Canadian government revealing the names of the mass murderers it allowed into the country following World War II is that it would harm the imperialist powers’ war on Russia. There could hardly be a more damning admission as to the character of the regime backed by Washington and Ottawa in Kiev. According to a Globe and Mail report, releasing the names of 900 Nazis “could fuel Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that the invasion of Ukraine amounts to a purge of Nazis,” remarking that “Russian propaganda in the war against Ukraine could get a boost.”

“Russian propaganda” is the preferred term in ruling circles to denote any opposition to the imperialist-instigated war on Russia in Ukraine, especially opposition that develops in a left-wing, socialist direction. The aim of the war is to subjugate Russia to semi-colonial status so that Washington, Ottawa, and their European allies can seize its natural resources. The fear motivating the Globe, UCC, and broad sections of the ruling class is far less that Putin’s reactionary Russian nationalism, which has nothing to offer workers in Russia, let alone those in the West, will gain ground. Rather, it is that the further exposure of how the US/NATO war being waged in the name of “defending democracy” is in reality a predatory imperialist war of conquest being carried out in alliance with the political descendants of Nazi collaborators and war criminals will fuel anti-war sentiment.  (more...)

Government-backed Ukrainian Canadian Congress opposes naming 900 Nazi war criminals who found refuge in Canada

Friday, September 13, 2024

Toronto: Mask Off Maersk Campaign 101


Canada Toronto MAERSK Gaza genocide complicity logistics shipping activism advocacy organizing campaign

Join us in the next phase of our fight to end this genocide and enact a people’s arms embargo!

🗓️Monday September 16th at 6:00PM

📍It’s Ok Studios, 468 Queen St W.

🔗 Registration in bio

Logistics companies, with Maersk as the industry lead, are the invisible profiteers of the current genocide in Gaza.

Since last October, Maersk has transported over 300 million dollars worth of weapons components to the biggest arms manufacturers. We must intensify the pressure on these institutions that are profiting off of the blood of the Palestinian people! We can and must halt the flow of the weapons massacring our people, through every avenue available to us.

Internationally, the movement for Palestine is stronger than ever, but Israel’s genocide has not yet been stopped.

Palestinians continue to be martyred, maimed, and starved by the criminal Zionist regime and its Western backers.

Behind the horrific images and videos we have seen daily for almost ten months are corporations like Maersk who enable genocide to happen. Behind the grotesque statements of demonic politicians justifying ethnic cleansing are the companies like Maersk who profit from it.

It is time to pull the #MaskOffMaersk and show the world who they really are!

Come learn about why we are taking up this campaign, the need for a people’s arms embargo, and get involved!