Sunday, August 11, 2024

The New Age, the Great Awakening, & the Green World Order


New Age Great Awakening Green Agenda New World Order Blavatsky Theosophy syncretism occult Aquarian Conspiracy gnosticism

Terry Wolfe discusses the proliferation of gnosticism, the new age, and theosophy in alternative and independent media. It seems that apparently much of the "truth movement" or "trutherism" itself is gnostic, new age, theosophy and is part of the deception which paves the way for and initiates the true new world order that humanity will embrace. The Great Awakening is the theosophical Age of Aquarius. New age and occult ideas such as "Christ Consciousness," quantum spirituality, and one-ism (see Dr. Peter Jones of truthXchange) are seeping into churches and society and this is intentional. The Aquarian Conspiracy is an "open conspiracy" that works through a "network of networks". The goal of the "new or Aquarian age" is to fuse all beliefs into a new inclusive and tolerant universalism meanwhile eliminating any exclusive or "intolerant" faith (e.g. biblical Christianity). Terry lays out his thesis of the coming collapse and Green World Order.

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