Saturday, July 6, 2024

Guess Who are the Real Protagonists of Anti-Semitism


antisemitism Ukraine Ukraine Azov Svoboda OUN-B NATO Canada universities

We are witnessing accusations of anti-semitism, in colleges and universities, coupled with police intervention, arrests. prison sentences, for all those who act in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

But there something very fishy going on. 

While Western governments are actively repressing the protest movements against Israel’s act of genocide, —with mass arrests on charges of antisemitism—, those same governments are supporting Ukraine’s Nazi movement which actively participated and collaborated with Nazi Germany in the genocide directed against the Jewish population of Ukraine during World War II.

Sounds contradictory?

My question is: Who are the Anti-semites? The answer is obvious.

Our Western governments (including the majority of NATO member states), which are generously financing the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev  

From a legal standpoint, this is a criminal act on the part of our governments, which should be opposed by a vast social movement in all NATO member States.  

The dominant Nazi faction within the Kiev government regime (which is supported by our governments) exerts its power within the realm of intelligence, internal affairs, national security and the military.

Amply documented, the 2014 US sponsored EuroMaidan US Sponsored Coup d’Etat was carried out with the support of these two Nazi factions: Svoboda and Right Sektor headed by Dmytro Yarosh, which have committed countless atrocities directed against Ukraine’s Jewish community.  (more...)

Guess Who are the Real Protagonists of Anti-Semitism

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