Tuesday, July 2, 2024

British Spies Built Zionist Propaganda Network


MI-6 spies Britain Zionist propaganda network politics antisemitism interference corruption harassment fabrication disinformation

On June 22nd, Declassified UK published an extraordinary interview with Jeremy Corbyn. Now vying for parliament as an independent, having been expelled from Labour due to bogus allegations of antisemitism, he reflected on his brief time as the party’s leader, and the vast media, political, and intelligence service conspiracy to sabotage his electoral prospects.

Along the way, Corbyn discussed the central role of former Labour MP Ruth Smeeth in his undoing. He was avowedly “surprised” to learn she was named in WikiLeaks-released sensitive diplomatic cables as a “strictly protect” US embassy informant. This designation means a sensitive and confidential information source, for Washington. However, looking back at “her behaviour and hostility” towards him as Labour leader, the revelation made perfect sense.

The landmark Weaponizing Antisemitism by investigative journalist Asa Winstanley lays bare the Zionist lobby’s multi-year crusade to take down Corbyn and his supporters within Labour. Smeeth is a key figure repeatedly referenced. Winstanley writes:

“She was so dedicated to sabotaging her own party that she didn’t seem overly concerned that her campaign ultimately came at the cost of losing her own Labour seat in 2019.”  (more...)

British Spies Built Zionist Propaganda Network

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