Friday, June 7, 2024

Peace Activists Assaulted and Forcibly Removed From Jimmy Kimmel Live Taping With Vice President Kamala Harris


politics Palestine solidarity protest Kamala Harris security assault lawlessness brutality violence

CODEPINK Inland Empire and CODEPINK Southeast LA joined a coalition of peace activists at last night's live taping of Vice President Kamala Harris' appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. The activists, representing groups such as Chino Valley for Palestinian Liberation, Palestinian Christians for Justice, Pasadena for Palestine, Claremont Graduate Students for a Free Palestine, and autonomous residents of Los Angeles, were there to remind people that there is no business as usual during a genocide.

Security approached a few of the audience's peace activists, pulled them aside before Vice President Harris arrived onstage, and forced them to leave. After Harris was introduced and seated, the activists set off a chain of disruptions that led to the illegal detainment and physical assault of some of the activists by security. The activists were told they were under arrest, despite no one having Miranda rights read or anyone showing badges or authority to make an arrest. Activists were being illegally detained and were told to turn over their IDs. When activists asserted their First Amendment rights and attempted to leave the premises, some were physically restrained with excessive force, and the gates of the building were locked by security, illegally imprisoning the peaceful demonstrators.

At one point, a security guard put one of the activists in chokehold until others were able to get him to release him.  (more...)

Peace Activists Assaulted and Forcibly Removed From Jimmy Kimmel Live Taping With Vice President Kamala Harris

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