Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Enough T.O. – Zionists in disguise implicitly condemn pro-Palestine protests


Canada Toronto billionaires Enough T.O. Zionist lobby Israel piety deflection delusion smears slander calumny dehumanization

Canadian capitalism has a long history of weaponizing identity politics and “anti-hate” rhetoric in service of reaction. For instance, ever since Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and Israel’s fanatical escalation of its genocide against Palestine, Canadian bourgeois politicians, Zionists and the capitalist police have united against pro-Palestinian protestors, whom they have labelled as “anti-semites” who spread “hate.”

In this newfound political moment, a mysterious new organization known as Enough T.O is here. Presenting itself as a “grassroots movement committed to restoring all that is good about Toronto,” Enough T.O. has a glossy website with much liberal poetry about fighting “hate” and spreading “empathy.”

On their website, Enough T.O. says the following (writer’s emphasis):

“Our mission is to get Torontonians to remember who we once were: a city revered around the world for its values of inclusivity, tolerance, civility, empathy for others and respect toward our neighbours. A safe haven for people of every race, religion, sexuality, gender and political stripe. A mosaic of cultures free from hate.

 We envision a Toronto where citizens are free to speak their minds but without using intimidation or hateful speech; where diversity of opinion is welcome but does not involve targeted harassment, disruption of key services or damage to property. A Toronto that embraces the same simple rules of conduct that we teach our children: don’t yell, don’t break things, and treat others the way you want to be treated.

We want to bring back peaceful dialogue and make Toronto a city where everyone can once again feel safe.

Enough is enough.”

Now, what inspired Enough T.O. to pen this moral lecture?

All this flowery prose is but a patina for the most reactionary Zionist sentiments. To glean just how insidious this rhetoric is, it is necessary to understand how there are two major strains of Zionist supremacism in Israel and abroad. On the one hand, you have the goose-stepping Zionism of Benjamin Netanyahu, Itamar Ben-Gvir and the hard-right Kahanists and other fascists. On the other, you have “liberal” Zionism, which covers for the fascists with lots of rhetoric about “peace” and “tolerance” – while defending Israel’s supposed “right to exist” as an apartheid regime.

In Canada, “Liberal Zionism” is epitomized by politicians such as Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, and Olivia Chow, who simultaneously defend Israel’s “right” to defend itself against “terrorism,” while also throwing a few scraps to the Palestinians, promising some humanitarian aid and an eventual “two-state solution.” 

The logic of Enough TO’s message is as follows: once upon a time, in the olden days, Toronto was a shining city on the hill, a multicultural garden of “tolerance” and “civility,” “free of hate.” But since then, something happened. Now, mysterious forces are working to intimidate citizens, harass them, disrupt key services, and damage property. Now, Enough TO wants to nullify these strange forces, and return Toronto to “a city where everyone can once again feel safe.”

This rhetoric is obviously aimed at the Palestinians who, in the midst of the genocide of their own people, are constantly told to sit down, protest peacefully, and be “civil.”  (more...)

Enough T.O. – Zionists in disguise implicitly condemn pro-Palestine protests

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