Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Canada Exported Record $30.6 Million Of Military Goods To Israel In 2023


Canada arms exports Israel Gaza genocide military crimes against humanity complicity ICJ justice profiteering oppression barbarity colonialism racism ethnic cleansing Zionism

Over the past 10 years, Canadian exports of military goods to Israel have increased more than sixfold.

Canadian companies exported a record-breaking total of $30.6 million in military goods to Israel last year, according to an annual report published by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) last week.

The annual report tracks exports of military goods to foreign countries excluding the United States. Below are some of the key takeaways from the report regarding exports to Israel.

Canada’s exports of military goods to Israel in 2023 were the highest on record, surpassing the previous record of $28.7 million in 1987 (adjusted for inflation) by 6.6 per cent.

Over the past 10 years alone, annual Canadian exports of military goods to Israel have increased more than sixfold from $4.8 million in 2013.

The government included a footnote in the 2023 report that stated its often repeated claim that only permits for “non-lethal” goods were authorized after Oct. 7, 2023, when Israel launched its brutal assault on Gaza.

As noted in The Maple’s past reporting, “non-lethal” carries no legal meaning, and could refer to components of deadly military hardware.

The report stated that “no permits have been issued since January 8, 2024,” but did not say anything about issuing a formal notice to pause authorizations of new permits, as the government promised it would do following the passage of a non-binding vote in Parliament earlier this year.

The apparent pause on authorizing new permits does not apply to those authorized before January 8, meaning that military goods are likely still flowing from Canada to Israel under existing permits.  (more...)

Canada Exported Record $30.6 Million Of Military Goods To Israel In 2023

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