Monday, May 13, 2024

Students, teachers, unions and NDP united in denouncement of police raids at U of A and U of C


Canada university Alberta Edmonton police crackdown student activism encampments students teachers unions NDP denunciation protests demonstrations Gaza genocide politics violence brutality

Students and faculty are calling for boycotts and the NDP are issuing fierce denouncements after police violently raided pro-Palestine demonstrations at the University of Alberta and University of Calgary this weekend.

Administrators at both schools called in police to disperse the protesters, and the Edmonton and Calgary police services (EPS and CPS) dutifully complied, showing up to attack students and allies with batons, flash grenades, gas and pepper bullets.

The protesters had gathered to urge both schools to disclose and divest from investments that tied the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary to the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

In similar statements, administrators for both schools claimed that the protests, which were setting up tents and preparing for a long stay, presented a danger to students. EPS and CPS both claimed that the demonstrations were dispersed without injuries.

But an overwhelming number of sources dispute all those claims.

Euan Thomson, an activist in Calgary whose work focuses on the opioid poisoning crisis, was among the first to post pictures of the injuries he received at the hands of the police.  (more...)

Students, teachers, unions and NDP united in denouncement of police raids at U of A and U of C

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