Saturday, May 11, 2024

On Israel, student courage exposes elite cowardice


student activism moral courage Israel Palestine solidarity Gaza genocide Biden funding censorship smears slander cowardice ethnic cleansing racism oppression apartheid

The White House and Republican allies respond to student protests over Gaza with deceit and censorship.

As he marked the enactment of his long-sought $95 billion “foreign aid” package last month, President Biden hailed what he called “a good day for world peace.” The Congressional “uniparty” had in fact handed Biden more taxpayer dollars to foment war, conflict, and carnage in Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, and the Pacific region. While it may have been a great day for the weapons industry, the bill’s prime beneficiary, it was an ominous one for anyone around the world interested in peace, particularly Gaza civilians living under US-backed Israeli bombardment.

Despite the obvious incongruity in Biden’s remarks, no one in the political and media establishment raised a peep. The resounding message is that the United States is committed to perpetual war, no matter how dangerous for the planet or how transparently false the means to advance it.

Enabled to literally assert that war is peace, the White House continues its long-running deception of pretending to oppose Israel’s assault on Gaza while enabling it at every turn. This week, Biden sent shockwaves by announcing, for the first time, the use of US leverage in cutting off weapons to Israel. One pending US shipment of 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs was already paused last week, the administration disclosed. And if Israel went ahead with its plans to invade Rafah, where over one million people have fled, “I’m not supplying the weapons,” Biden told CNN.

Yet from the start, each vocal declaration of Biden’s supposed pressure on Israel has been quietly undermined by his actions. True to form, administration officials informed the Washington Post that the paused weapons “could still be delivered depending on the White House’s discretion.” As one official stressed: “We have not made a final determination on how to proceed.”  (more...)

On Israel, student courage exposes elite cowardice

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