Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Coalition Renews Calls For Full Israel Arms Embargo


Canada arms embargo Israel Gaza genocide technology weapons industry politics unions organizing pickets coalition

A coalition of Canadian advocacy groups and labour unions has launched a new campaign renewing demands for a “full, immediate arms embargo on Israel,” including on Canadian military goods and technology that are shipped to Israel via the United States.

Rachel Small, an organizer with World Beyond War Canada, told The Maple that a “unified collective demand” was needed to demonstrate that the federal government’s promise to pause approvals of new permits for military exports to Israel is “far from sufficient.”

“It has become clear that it will take a strong, unified, multi-sector demand of people all across the country to push this forward right now,” said Small.

MPs voted in favour of a non-binding motion in Parliament in March that called on the Trudeau government to “cease the further authorization and transfer of arms exports to Israel.”

However, Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly clarified that she would only commit to delaying approvals of new permits, and that those approved before January 8 would still be allowed to go ahead as normal. The government has not issued a formal notice about the promised pause on new permit authorizations.

The newly launched “Arms Embargo Now” statement notes that Canada’s own laws require that the government stop military exports if there is a substantial risk that such goods could be used to “facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian or human rights law, or commit serious acts of violence against women and children.”  (more...)

Coalition Renews Calls For Full Israel Arms Embargo

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