Friday, January 27, 2023

Challenging the German Bishops’ Advancement of Sodomy – “The Devil’s Congress“


Catholic Germany heresy apostasy homosexuality gay clergy kulturcampf synodality bishops sodomy

If there is one lesson that faithful Catholics the world-over need to learn from the more than half-century of the rule of the Robber/Counterfeit Church, aka, the Novus Ordo, is that never, ever, say, “it cannot get worse,” because it  always does.

Last year’s pro-homosexual debacle lead by prominent members of the German and Flemish hierarchies under the banner of  Pope Francis’ new vision of a Synodal Church via a Synodal Way is a powerful lesson in point. 

While there are other continuing recycled controversies associated with the Synodal Movement – including a more egalitarian reshaping of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical structures, and the opening up of the “new priesthood” to women, intersex and transgender candidates – there can be no doubt that the sanctification of sodomy is the linchpin that binds together the entire German Synodal doctrinal and moral wrecking apparatus and its crew. 

The primary focus of this article is the 28-page German Synodal Forum IV document  “ Life in Succeeding Relationships – Living Love in Sexuality and Partnerships,” presented by the German Episcopal Conference (Deutsche Bischofskonferenz)  and the lay Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) at the IV Plenary Assembly of the Synodal Way held in Frankfurt in 2022. 

Together, the two entities form the 230-member German Assembly known as the Synodaler Weg, that is, the Synodal Way. The group is comprised of all the German bishops plus clerical and lay representatives from Catholic religious orders, dioceses, parishes, lay movements, academia, and ecumenical associations that include non-Catholics and non-believers.  (more...)

Challenging the German Bishops’ Advancement of Sodomy –  “The Devil’s Congress“

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